1.5 - All Set for First Mission

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Keep quiet.
close your eyes.

If you listen hard enough,
you can always hear something.


I lunge forward with my hands tightly formed into fist, the same power emerges inside my body when me and Jimin practice our powers and combat skills.

Adrenaline rushes through my veins making it more exciting.

But the boy in front of me is quick to understand my moves as he scurries away and my hand meets with nothing but the cold air. His sudden disappearance from my vision shakes me that not even a millisecond later, I feel a sharp pain in my back— my instant stimulus is to move away and face the source or actually him.

He is right there behind me in his fighting stance. I instantly get in mine too as both of us spend a good amount of time to analyse each others strategies.

I can't consider him as an easy opponent— he is not like a normal recruit.

Taehyung seems to be a master in every single technique that I place in front of him— he dodges every attack so keenly that I don't think he needs to be trained any more.

He is too good and I actually doubt my own skills now.

Just like that, days passes swiftly. We both get well acquainted— we laugh, fight, smile and practice together. He is getting more precise in his actions, his potential to be a superior anytime soon shines brightly in from of my eyes.

But whenever we meet in our leisure time, Miyeon always tends to get in our way and all because of her usual irritating skills, she successfully interrupts our quality time together. Sometimes even Taehyung starts talking to her like normal friends.

No denying the fact, I hate it.

And yes, Miyeon is good in taking control over others, her ability is hypnotizing, after all.

Well leaving that, I have found his strengths as well as weakness.

He has some special animal instincts that helps him to understand the opponent's moves. One second he is right in front of you but if you blink for a second, you will not be able to locate him anymore as he will instantly camouflage himself with the surroundings and attack you from the back.

His speed, techniques— everything is marvellous.

Weakness—  he gets distracted too easily and that is his only weakness.

Not kidding, I didn't joke when I said he is the best one I have ever met in my life.

But I never appreciate him on his face. Appreciating him will lead to over confidence which will only cause a huge downfall in his capabilities. At times, I do smile at him showing but still giving a loud of applause and appreciation will just boost his confidence up.

And it is today.

Yup, today we are going on his first ever mission.

I specially asked Namjoon to let us go first so that Taehyung can accelerate his skills and I can also boost his confidence by appreciating him.

I have a hunch that he will be extraordinary during the mission as well.

I hope he won't disappoint me today.

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