1.20 - First kiss

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Days passed, almost a week already as the day after tomorrow, Taehyung is finally returning to the organization but in the previous days, we kept on indulging ourselves with our normal life. Of course, Taehyung took me to various places everyday, we even went to the slurpee point again.

Everyday he made me feel special, he made me realize how fun it is to go out with him. The normal life he showed me, I agree that it is quite fun living this way.

Or especially with his presence.

Jungkook and me sometimes argued but most of the time we were cuddled into each other due to absence of parental care. Being quite old but still being deprived of such care did make us responsible and independent but not emotionless.

Jungkook drops me at my classes on his motorbike everyday as I told Taehyung, even though I have insisted many times already that I am alright on going alone but he straightforwardly declines, for whatever reason he thinks.

Then again Taehyung drops me back home without Jungkook's due notice- my brother was always out when I reached back home so he didn't get to know about it.

"Hey Goeun, what's up?" As casually as he can, Taehyung jogs beside me - my bag rushing sideways due to the intensity of his steps.

Taehyung is a source of attraction, there is no way that he will do a thing without bringing any unnecessary attention towards him. Aera has told me a lot of time to keep myself indulged with him but everytime I think about doing so, I fear that everyone will get to know about our little secret.

I am paranoid, I know and I can't do anything about it.

"Going home, you?"

"I thought if we can crash in your house or something," He asks, his boyish grin sends sparks down my heart, but I really have to control the involuntary smile that is descending on my face. "Like play video games, have fun?"

"Yeah, cool," I shrug casually while looking everywhere other than him. Things have started becoming somewhat awkward, I am not able to take a hold on my feelings.

I mean, what can I expect when literally Kim Taehyung is sitting beside me?

"Come on, I will give you a ride," Forcing his hands in his pocket, he casually runs forward while guiding me to his vehicle which I am quite unaware of.

And when a red, vintage car appears in front of me, my mouth opens wide open.

Hold up, he can actually drive a car?

"Oh yeah, I can drive. Don't think so little of me," His expressions displays hurt but what has caught my attention is the car who door is being opened by his owner- Taehyung.

"Let's go, shall we?"

My expressions takes a huge turn, and just as the sound of the car's engine resonates, my dopamine level reaches its surge as a giggle escapes my mouth.

"Wow, this car is awesome!" My brain's exact thoughts comes to my tongue, speaking the oblivious.

"My grand dad's property, I absolutely loved this star when I was small so we used to have road trips frequently. His last wish was to hand me this car, always cherish the memories that we shared and remain happy forever, even in his stead."

Although sad, but a constant smile remains on Taehyung's face as he drives the car. It is the proof that he loves and cherishes his grandpa forever. Even though, he is not with him anymore but his grandchild is always going to remember him in his heart.

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