1.16 - Punishment

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I don't know the reason why I become this weak whenever it comes to arguing.

Like if it was possible for Jungkook to jump out from the phone, he would have done that for sure— kicked and punched me so hard when I told him about about yesterday's events.

I don't know how he came to know about the incident— all of us finalized about not telling anyone and disclose it once we return back to the organization but the second Namjoon's call arrived in the middle of night, I knew he has already gotten the news.

Basically, he was fuming. All of the growls and anger penetrating his words silenced me for the whole time. He was totally out of his control and the worse was Jungkook hearing the first word of my sentence— he started hyperventilating over how I could have almost died and it is all thanks to Gyong for sparing me.

Like he literally is the reason behind the trouble.

Jin was over the top— he literally screamed his throat out that I feared if his thyroid gland has destroyed. Reminding me of my promises to stay away from wounds to every major injury that I have suffered from— he didn't forget about leaving anything behind.

All scoldings and anger was bursted on Jimin too, even when the boy isn't at fault.

As for Taehyung and Miyeon, both of them are instantly called back, including me too.

I actually don't think Namjoon in any way will spare me from his punishment because according to his brain, if I knew that it is a code red then I should have taken Jimin or any other agent with me.

I could have called for emergency back up too.

And to be very honest, I never tried to think about such options. My mind was already focused on saving Taehyung and Miyeon that my instant response was to chase them.

Now that I think about it, I will never call backup if such a situation is repeated in the future. Without knowing the intensity of danger, how can I cause a mess for no reason?

But who knew the one and only Gyong returned back and now is doing all the deeds that can actually be fatal for the organization.

Everything apart, what Gyong want is a fight between us so I don't want any other person to sacrifice their life for me.

"You both know what exactly wrong happened there which is not worthy of forgiveness right?"

Namjoon clenches his teeth which I can sense from a distance— the gritting sound is enough to inform me.

"Looking around when given the order to settle down in the tents. Does this look like a game? Especially Miyeon," Namjoon faces the girl who is on the verge of crying.

"Senior is someone who protects, not who seeks shelter behind the juniors, am I right?"


"Yes or no."

Namjoon hits the table as everything on the table flies away. Taehyung flinches and Miyeon does too, I mean she should be habitual by now, like me.

"Y-yes sir."

She sobs, Namjoon shuts his eyes in anger. Through his face, our senior is trying his best to control his rage but knowing him, controlling his emotions especially anger is beyond his ability.

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