Chapter Eleven

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The day of the Op was nearer than ever - tomorrow, to be exact. I had a bag, only a small rucksack with some essentials in. Cole had the same. The only reason I knew this is because he told me to pack one. It wasn't too heavy, but it wasn't light either and I struggled to shove the bulging bag under my bed for the next morning. In the end, I had to lift the bed with telekinesis and kick the bag underneath before putting the bed back down. I had my stitches out two days ago, and my hand was still slightly sore. It was getting to the stage where I wasn't sure if I regretted it or not. On one hand, I showed us that the key to unlocking the red abilities was linked to my emotions. But on the other hand, it proved that they probably aren't easily controlled. Then again, is it ever easy to control emotions and therefore abilities?

Even though we were about to train for a week, Cole had still insisted I meet him in our usual training room at the same time today. I walked the maze of corridors like I had been doing my entire life, finally used to everything here at the League. I said hi to Jude as I passed him and Nico playing with a remote-control car they'd built on my way there, careful not to step on it - or them. Vida was eating in the cafeteria and she threw me a muffin on my way through. I finished it as I reached the door, only slowing to chuck it in the bin as I spotted Cole through the tiny glass window.

The only people at the League who knew about my abilities still continued to be limited to Alban, Cate and Cole. Somehow, I trusted them completely. Although every time I looked at Cole, I always noticed how much he looked like Liam and it made me feel a pang of guilt about not saying a proper goodbye to him, Zu and Chubs. I didn't even explain why I had to leave. I think about them every day, and I constantly check the skip-tracer database to see if they've been spotted anywhere. For a while I tracked Lady Jane, to see if she was still on their trail. That worked for a while, but recently she went off the grid and no one heard of her since. I hope that's a good sign, I really do.

I shed my hoodie as I walked into the training room, as humid as ever. It took a few seconds to put my dark hair in a messy bun, and Cole used that time to get rid of his jacket and get out his water bottle. A thought came to mind.

"Hey, Cole."

"Yeah, darlin'?"

"We constantly focus on my abilities as a red, how come I've barely seen you use yours?"

"I don't think I've got a decent answer for that."

"Can you show me? Like can you make a fire, just this once?"

For a second it looked as if he was considering it, and sure enough, a little flame appeared in his hand. But before I could take in the sight, it was gone. But a faint smile played on his lips.

"Now are we going to get started or not? I ain't got all day." He winked at me and pressed play on the small stereo we kept hidden in here. The room was soundproof, so it was the perfect excuse to use it as we trained. Cole got hold of it on an Op once and has found multiple excuses not to hand it in to Alban.

I laughed at his cockiness. "You have a cute nose, Stewart. Don't make me break it." The words were out of my mouth before I even registered what I was saying. Did I just call him cute?

"Believe it or not, you're not the first person to say that to me, you know." His smile was growing bigger by the minute, and I took a step onto the mat with him.

"The first part or the second part?" Giving him a sideways glance, I tightened my shoelaces.

"Both," he let out an easy chuckle and it was my turn to grin.

He swung a fist at me and I ducked, moving effortlessly away from his attack. He tried again and I delivered a swift punch to his gut, temporarily winding him but not injuring or disabling him thanks to his fighting physique. Goddammit! Why am I thinking about his body? In all fairness, it's not like he's not fit. With abs for days... Seriously Aria, stop! When did I start doing this? When did I start noticing?

It's not like he's not fit, or cute. Because he really is. But when did I start thinking of him as more than a friend? My subconscious mind was flooding me with thoughts, images, that I never realised I had even given time to until now. I was so distracted, I almost forgot to duck the fist that came flying towards me. Almost.

"You're a bit preoccupied today, Aria. Anything bothering you?"

I laughed at how perceptive he was. Or maybe he was just being nosy. Or maybe he really did care? Thinking back to the mirror-hand-fire situation, I remembered everything I had said to him. And everything he didn't say to me. I'm overthinking. Actually, I might be underthinking? If that's a thing, then I'm probably doing both at once. To cancel out my teenage-girl thoughts, I let the conversation replay in my head. You don't care about me, you're here because you have to be. It calmed me down enough to continue to concentrate, and confidently redirect his question. Even though a single thought wrapped itself around my head like a vine, well that could've been a headache, but it didn't stop me thinking. But what if he does care?


We woke early, and Vida, Jude and Nico came with me to the exit to say goodbye. Even though it was about three in the morning, and we all agreeably looked like crap, it was a nice effort and I gave them each a reassuring squeeze before I met Cole. My first Op. I saw Cole, and I forced down all of the self-doubt and feelings I had been experiencing recently deep into the back of my mind. Putting on a half-fake half-real smile, we got in the car.

I reached to turn on the radio, and Cole swatted my hand away.

"Driver is always in control of the music. You want to choose music? You have to drive."

I thought back to failing my League driving test almost as bad as Jude. Yeah, maybe my driving wasn't the best idea. I didn't want to let Cole know that, so I changed the subject.

"Now I see where Lee gets it from! He was always like this when we were in Black Betty."

"Black Betty?" His confused face made me laugh so much, I had to turn away to face the window. As I started to wind it down a little, the fresh air hit my face, a welcoming relief from being inside the stuffy League HQ for so long. The last time I felt this free had been with Lee, Zu and Chubs. Even though it was selfish, I sometimes wondered if they missed me, if I had made anywhere near as much an impact in their lives as they had in mine. If it wasn't for Lee, I'd be... I'd be... well, we all know where I'd be. 

The tidal wave of memories washed over me, and I didn't even realise I had tears running down my face until I caught a glimpse of myself in the side mirror. Using my sleeve, I wiped my face and put on yet another brave smile. I was going to be fine. Something about today had gotten to me, but I wasn't going to let it beat me. Everything was going to be okay. One day driving to get information, one day driving to wherever Cole wanted to go, five days training.

This was going to be fun.


We drove for hours before finally stopping at a dingy, dimly lit motel. It looked like the sort of place that no one had been to in years, it was that well kept. Cole checked his watch before throwing on his leather jacket. I did the same, copying his movements almost exactly. I was taking Vida's advice. Boo, don't fuck this up. 

We walked around the side of the building, ever cautious. Cole first, me slightly behind. He knocked on the door to the room we were supposed to be meeting in. Three sharp knocks, then wait, then two spaced out. No answer. He tried again, this time waiting for a little longer after. Still no answer. Cole took a step back, motioned for me to move out the way, and planted a series of steady kicks into the door. It swung open, splintering and with an indent of where his foot had been moments earlier.

The room was empty.

Cole swore and kicked over the empty bin by the door. "Son of a bitch! He was supposed to meet us here!" He went over to the open bathroom window and leant out of it, trying to see where our contact had gone. No sooner had he left my side I heard a small thump behind me.

I barely had time to cry out to Cole before the blinding pain in the back of my head sent the world black. I was out before I hit the floor.

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