The Kitten Likes Derek More

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This one shot was requested by bublegum_narry! It's about Derek taking care of Stiles when he is sick!


        “You know what would make me feel better?” Derek hears Stiles say from where he was drowning in blankets on their leather couch. Stiles had been feeling a bit under the weather lately, but the occasional sneeze had soon turned into the full-blown flu.

            “Not talking?” Derek says, bored. He is sitting in the recliner next to the couch, so that he can monitor his boyfriend. Derek hates to see Stiles sick, but he did tell him not to go outside without a jacket.

            “Ha, no.” Stiles says, and he is trying to sit up so that he can look at Derek. Derek pretends to focus on his book, so that maybe Stiles will get bored and fall back asleep. He struggles in the cover, Derek tries in vain not to smile into his book, and Stiles finally manages to set up. “Derek.” Stiles mumbles, trying to reach out and snatch the book away.

            “Yes?” Derek asks, and he looks at Stiles who still looks stunningly gorgeous despite being sick and slightly sweat covered.

            “Pay attention to me.” Stiles whines, and that’s another thing Derek just doesn’t understand about Stiles when he is sick. He cannot seem to control his emotions, which alarms and amuses Derek to no end. Derek sighs loudly, places a bookmark in the book he really wasn’t even reading, sets it down, and looks at Stiles with his eyebrows raised. Stiles stares at him for a second before Derek notices his bottom lip tremble. “If you’re going to be mean, never mind.” Stiles says, and he scoots back to the edge of the couch to lie back down.

            “I’m sorry, Stiles.” Derek instantly says, and he stands up to retuck in Stiles. Stiles tries in vain to slap his hands away with a pout, and Derek leans down to kiss him.

            “No, you’ll get sick.” Stiles says, shoving his face and he is really weak, Derek thinks. Derek sits on the edge of the couch to give Stiles a patient look.

            “Werewolves do not get the flu. Silly human who do not listen to their boyfriends do.” Derek points out, and Stiles maturely sticks his tongue out at him. Derek chuckles good-naturedly and pushes Stiles’ hair out of his face. Stiles sighs at the contact, and lets his eyes flutter closed. “What would make you feel better?” Derek inquires still running his hand through Stiles’ hair, and Stiles gives him a confused look until recognition hits him.

            “Oh, yeah. I want a kitten.” Stiles announces, and Derek’s hand stills in his hair. He gives Stiles a pointed look before saying anything.

            “A kitten?” Derek repeats, and Stiles makes an impatient noise.

            “Yes, Derek! A kitten! You know a baby cat? Oh, better yet let’s have a baby!” Stiles rambles, and Derek puts his hand over his mouth because he really doesn’t want to talk about having children with a fever delirious Stiles.

            “Why do you want a kitten?” Derek asks, patiently and Stiles just shrugs. Derek takes his hand off of Stiles mouth before he licks it, Derek doesn’t mind when he does it he just doesn’t want flu germs on his hand, and waits for Stiles to answer.

            “Cause they’re small and fluffy.” Stiles explains, and he sneezes all over Derek’s shirt. “Sorry.” Stiles says, but Derek knows he really isn’t. Derek waits to answer so that maybe Stiles will move on to something else, but Stiles gives him a pointed look like he is waiting for an answer.

Sterek One-Shots Book One (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now