Stay Out of the Forest

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Okay, so I've had this one shot written for like two weeks and forgot to post it. It's a fairy tale type AU I guess. To avoid confusion Stiles can see the future, and Scott is blind and human. Side Scisaac. It's the longest one I've written.


Stiles is staring at the blank wall of the cave he and Scott have been living in for some time, trying to get past the blank spot in his premonitions. He hears the sound of Scott coming back in, and the sound of twigs falling on the hard, rocky, ground. "Stiles?" He hears his best friend call out to him, and Stiles walks over to him.

"Right here, Scott." Stiles says, gently and Scott turns towards the sound of his voice and gives his friend at smile. Stiles has learned to speak gently to Scott since he is blind. Scott has been blind almost his whole life, and they met around five years ago in the mental institution of the local village.

"Stiles, something was out there." Scott says, and his voice sounds excited much to Stiles dismay. Stiles turns Scott so that he is looking at him.

"How far did you go out?" Stiles asks, and Scott rolls his eyes. "Scott." Stiles says, and his voice sounds worried.

"I didn't go in the woods, you know I don't." Scott whispers, and Stiles lets a breath he didn't know he was holding. "I know what it sounds like when I walk too close to the woods, my footsteps start making a crunchy sound." Scott points out, and Stiles sighs. He knows that Scott hates when he thinks that Stiles thinks he cannot take care of himself.

"I know, buddy. I just worry about you." Stiles says, and he begins to light a fire. They cannot keep the fire lite all night since they cannot afford to be spotted by anyone in the village.

Stiles and Scott are fugitives.

It really is Stiles' fault, he thinks. If he hadn't told people that he could see the future then he wouldn't have been labeled crazy and sent to the nut house. He met Scott there, they escaped together, and they became fugitives together.

"Something was watching me." Scott says, and Stiles snorts.

"Really? Did you see them?" Stiles asks, chuckling at his own joke. Scott tries to look angry, but ends up smiling.

"Stop with the blind jokes, Stilinski. No, I heard the trees rustling or something!" Scott says, and he turns to face the direction he hears Stiles rustling around for food. They have to eat out of the garbage of the village or forge for their own food. Scott feels Stiles drops some food in his waiting hands, and he knows that Stiles always gives him more.

"If you can hear the trees rustling you're too close to the woods! You can never go in there, Scott. We're all raised on the stories of what goes on there." Stiles says, sternly and Scott just nods. "Plus, no one knows we're here. We're orphan street rats remember?" Stiles says, and Scott frowns. "Okay, I'm an orphan. You're just a street rat." Stiles amends, and Scott tries to give him a small smile.

"Have you seen anything?" Scott asks, and he scoots closer to his friend. Stiles pulls him in close trying to warm him up because they both cannot remember the last time they weren't cold.

"No, nothing. The last vision I had was about the weather yesterday." Stiles says, and he is angry at himself. He can usually predict the future if he focuses enough, but he mainly just looks to see when they are going to eat next or if they are going to make it through winter again. Stiles also uses his gift to keep an eye on Scott's mother for him, even though he does it begrudgingly. He has a love/hate relationship with his gift because it does give him an advantage, but when he has a vision he loses touch with reality and on more than one occasion Scott has had to slap him repeatedly to bring him back.

Sterek One-Shots Book One (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now