Detention (Mild Mature Content)

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Hello, friends. This was requested by TheThingInYourCloset. It is a high school AU. Please read the note at the end.

Derek knows it's not his fault. He shouldn't be in detention instead of lazing about at home for the few precious hours he has without his massive family at home so that he can have some privacy. Or at least he shouldn't be alone in this. Isaac's stupid ass should be in here with him since he was the one that thought it would be funny to throw paper balls at Harrison.

Derek sighs as he throws open the door to Harrison's room, and he shoots Jackson a small smile while he walks to his seat. Jackson raises his head in greeting, Derek assumes he was late to class again with making out with Lydia Martin in the parking lot, before he goes back to texting. Jackson may have detention, but everyone loves him. Derek has only recently come to accept his presences in his little group of friends since he was dating Lydia. Who was best friends with Boyd who was dating Erica, one of Derek's best friends. It was really less complicated than that, Derek thinks. Nevertheless, he sits as far as he can away from Jackson regardless.

The door opens loudly to reveal Mr. Harrison, and Derek groans softly to himself. He really doesn't want to have to write lines or do anything. He just wants to sit down in his chair for the hour because just not talking was hard for Derek without adding the need to do a needless task. "There is supposed to be three of you." Harrison says, and Derek snorts before Harrison glares at him. "Okay, so, what Jackson?" Harrison says, and Jackson gives him a charming grin.

"I have lacrosse practice." Jackson hints, and Derek reframes from rolling his eyes because he doesn't. Although Derek isn't on that team, he plays baseball and basketball which isn't in season, but Isaac is and they don't have practice on Wednesday. Harrison, apparently, doesn't know that.

"Fine. Go." Harrison says, and Jackson gives Derek a mocking smile before he quickly gathers up his stuff and leaves.

"Mr. Harrison." Derek begins to say, if Jackson gets to leave he should too. Harrison gives him a bored look before he speaks.

"No, Mr. Hale. I know for a fact that you aren't on the lacrosse team." Harrison says, and Derek opens his mouth to argue but the door opens and it make them both quiet. "So glad you could finally make it, Mr. Stilinski. Only ten minutes late." Harrison says, and Stiles Stilinski blushes. He is standing awkwardly in the doorway like he isn't sure he is even in the right place, and he pulls at the sleeve of his jacket with his free hand. Derek smirks to himself because he is surprised that a good boy like Stiles is stuck in detention with him.

Stiles is one of those people who was just gifted in all areas of life. He is captain of the debate team, he's in all honors classes with Derek except he is probably doing better, not to mention he is pretty fucking hot. Derek would be jealous of Stiles' good looks if he didn't want to date him instead. Stiles isn't popular exactly, but that doesn't stop him from shooting the nerd a wink before he sits down at the end of the room.

"Okay, you two delinquents. I need to go use the copy machine. Do not leave the room. Do not talk. Do not move seats." Harrison says, and Derek salutes him from his seat and the middle aged teacher rolls his eyes in disgust before he gathers his papers and leaves.

Derek doesn't even wait until he can't hear Harrison's footsteps before he is getting out of his chair, and throwing himself in the desk next to Stiles. Stiles looks up from his book at a grinning Derek, and doesn't say anything. "He said not to move seats." Stiles mumbles, and Derek laughs, soft and clear in delight, before he turns his whole body towards the nerdy boy.

"He also said not to talk, Stilinski." Derek says, and Stiles glares at him before purposefully turning around in his seat. Derek chuckles softly again before he hops the chair loudly closer to Stiles. Derek has never really had a proper conversation with Stiles, but he has always wanted to see what makes the other teen tick. "I bet you like to follow the rules, don't you?" Derek teases, and Stiles visible grips the sides of his book harder in his hand.

Sterek One-Shots Book One (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now