Author Questions: Answered!

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Okay, Stalers! This is the chapter that I answer all of the  questions that were asked. (I know must of you are like shut up and write, peasant). I just want to thank you all for everything. When I first thought of Fox Tails and Nursing Majors, I never thought I was going to have so many other stories. I was so surprised when I got my first request, and now they're all I do. I am in a glass case of emotion.


Well, I just started reading my way through all of your oneshots so I obviously haven’t read all of them. But first off, they’re all so fantastic. Second, I was wondering how you make time to write them all? They’re so long and really good. I struggle a lot with writing long things, and they take me literally forever so I wondered. ( Asked by thefiresfromheaven)

·         First off, thank you so much for all of your very thoughtful comments and nice words. They warm my heart to no end. In answer to your question, I just make myself take time to write. It makes it easier to do when I know that some of you wait for my updates (why, I will never know). I know that reading can make a shitty day better, so what’s better than Sterek fluff and/or smut at the end of a bad day? It’s easy to make them long when I am given freedom in the requests. In the one shot Under Construction, all that was wanted was Derek to be a construction worker so I was able to make everything else myself. It gives my imagination freedom to wonder and that helps me write longer stories. None of my stories are under 2,000 words, and I intended to keep it that way.

Age? Ideal living place and area? Where do you want to be in ten years? (Asked by tyler_hale_)

·         I’m 19.

·         I would want to live maybe in Europe.

·         In ten years, I want to be on an island that I own pale, well rested, and with fiddlesticksss surrounded by enormous piles of money. Just kidding! The only thing I want to be doing in ten years is teaching. That’s all: teaching.


What made you get into writing? What made you start writing one shots about sterek? Do you think they will ever make Sterek real on Teen Wolf? If they did how excited would you be? (Asked by Kitten_Insanity)

·         It started out because an idea popped into my head (which would later become my first fanfic Not Good Enough-Harry Styles) and I kept trying to find a story to fit the idea in my head. Obviously I couldn’t, so I wrote what I wanted to read. I found that I really liked writing and here we are.

·         I started writing sterek one shots for the same reason. I couldn’t find a story where Stiles was a fox hybrid that cute and fluffy and not just smut, and so I wrote it myself.

·         I honestly don’t think Sterek will ever be canon or if they do it will be on the last episode. I want Sterek more than I want chocolate cake, but I just don’t see it happening. That will not stop me from writing Sterek though. I really hope that if Sterek is not end game than Stydia is, and not Stalia. I like Malia, but not Stalia. I also like Draeden. Hate on Malia, I won’t stop you but Braeden is bae and I will cut you.  (2016 Stale here. Stydia is dead. Long live Marrish. I hate Stydia. I think I did then too and I didn't want to admit it. No hating on Malia either. She's bae too.)

·         If Sterek finally happened I would cry in happiness, and my high pitch squeal would hurt the ears of dogs everywhere.

What is your favorite types of movies, games, and books? Who are your favorite actress and actor? Do you eat peanut butter? Favorite song/band/artist? Funniest memory? Ever been to a concert? (Asked by my lovely fiddlesticksss)

·         I like adventure movies like the Avengers. I love musicals and Disney classics. I like board games. Books I like young adult romances, historical fiction, and fantasy.

·         Favorite actresses: Meagan Tandy, Emma Watson, Melissa McCarthy, Holland Rodan. Favorite Actors: Dylan O’Brien(is anyone surprised?), Tyler Hoechlin, Tom Hiddleston.

·         My body is 55% peanut butter.

·         I’m one of those people to has current favorite songs and right now it is Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Ray. I like Five Seconds of Summer, Lana Del Ray, Meghan Trainor, Train, and Disney songs.

·         I don’t have a funniest memory that I can think of.

·         I’ve only ever been to like orchestra concerts.

Why did you start to ship Sterek? Which are you other OTP’s? What is your favorite show? Where are you from? What is your favorite one shot written by you? Why are you so gorgeous? (Asked by Desertcoyote_)

·         I just want them to be happy together, and I just love how they interact with each other. I started to ship them right after the pool scene.

·         Johnlock, Narry (1D), Ziall (1D), Ziam(1D), Malum (5sos). I ship fictional characters different than I ship real people if that makes any sense. Like, if you don’t ship Sterek I will pull out a ten thousand paper notebook pointing out facts about why you should. Don’t ship Narry? Cool, whatevs.

·         I am currently obsessed with Teen Wolf (duh), Criminal Minds, Stalker, Big Bang Theory, and Law and Order: SVU.

·         I’m from Texas in the United States.

·         My favorite? They’re all my babies!! But probably Love Finds A Way.

·         I bath in the blood of my enemies.

How much do you love your readers? When are you going to do another fox stiles and Derek one shot? ( Asked by Dini_Stilinski_Hale)

·         I love you guys more than you will ever know. Like, ask around I am a nice person and I love you guys more than I love to eat. So if you guys are having a shit day, just message me. I am always on Wattpad.

·         As soon as I can, I swear!!!!

What was the first book you ever read? (Asked by pepperpie27)

·         It was this series called the Box Car Children when I was in like elementary school, but on Wattpad it was After.

This was so much fun! See you all at the 100 mark!! I love you all so much!


Original posted on 11/20/14
Edited on 04/17/16

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