The Elevator

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Okay, Stalers. Computer is still shit, but I typed this on my phone so forgive any mistakes. Please check out my new teen wolf one shot on my profile. I already have two stories up, so if you want check it out. I have missed you guys so fucking much, like I can't function without you guys.
Agoraphobia: an abnormal fear of being in  crowds, public places, or open areas, sometimes accompanied by  anxiety attacks.

     Derek is cleaning his apartment for the third time today when he hears the mail fall through his mail slot, and he checks his watch before he frowns. The mail comes at two thirty everyday, and it is currently two forty. He listens to the sound of his mail falling, a loud thump of his Popular Science magazine, and he walks to his door.

      Derek is looking through his bills when he sees the name of his neighbor on several of them. "Shit. Fuck. Shit." Derek hears a panicked voice say, and he frowns when he hears the knock on the door. "Um. Mr. Hale?" A voice Derek doesn't recognize says.

     "Can I help you?" Derek says, cautiously without opening his door. He hears a mild squeak of surprise, and he smiles slightly to himself.

      "Yeah, um. I'm the new mail carrier, and I think I gave you some of the mail of someone else." He says, and Derek separates the mail that isn't his from someone downstairs. 

      "You were late." Derek informs him as he pushes the mail through the mail slot, and the man makes a noise of surprise when the mail hits the ground.

      "Yeah, that happens when you're new at a job you're really not qualified for. But that's between you and me." He says, and Derek raises his eyebrow at his door before he looks out his peep hole.

      The man outside his door is younger than him, with wild brown hair, lithe frame, and he is checking a list as if to make sure he has done everything on it. Derek can relate he likes making lists, and  when the man finally looks at the door Derek has to bite back a gasp. This man is way more attractive than his last mail carrier with his big brown eyes, full lips, and pale skin scattered with moles. "Thanks, man. I appreciate it." He says, and without a word, but he does wave at the door, he walks towards the elevator.

      Derek stares at the door with a confused look until he realizes it time for him to eat dinner, and he makes his way towards his kitchen still thinking of the nameless mail carrier.


     Derek is mopping his floor, he swears it feels sticky, when he looks to see that it is two thirty. He has just put up the groceries that are brought to him twice a week. Unsure if the mail man is going to be here now or at fifteen till three, he keeps mopping until a few seconds later he hears his mail dropping down. He carefully leans the mop against the counter to get it before he finishes cleaning the kitchen. Derek goes into his living room to get it. "I'm on time today." He hears, and Derek smiles despite himself.

     "Yes, you are." Derek says, and the man laughs loud and bright. The sound brings a smile to his face, and on a whim Derek opens the door. The man gives him a look of surprise, and Derek flushes before he holds up his hand to signal for the man to wait. Derek rushes to his kitchen to get some of the cookies he baked, chocolate chip since it's December, and he wraps a couple for the man. "Here. I was rude yesterday, I'm sorry." Derek says, and the man gives him a look of surprise before he takes the cookies.

     "Hey, thanks man. I forgive you. I'm Stiles by the way." He, Stiles, says. Derek smiles at him, and Stiles waves over his shoulder as he walks off already eating one of Derek's cookies.

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