Boot Camp

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This one shot was requested by my bae Alphawolfspang. It is military themed. Enjoy, Stalers.

Stiles knows what he did was wrong, in theory, but that really doesn't stop him from protesting and complaining the entire time. "Dad, you're the sheriff surely the judge would have listened to you." Stiles says, and he can see the vein popping out of his father's forehead. Stiles bites his lip to keep quiet because he really didn't want to do this to his father.

"Stiles, you are lucky that the judge decides to send you to boot camp for twelve weeks instead of two years in prison." John says, and Stiles sighs loudly. Stiles nervously fidgets in the front seat of the police cruiser as the view of the military camp comes closer into view.

"I didn't even do anything that bad." Stiles argues, and John sighs heavily.

"You hacked into a federal agency database to get information on one of teachers which you used to get him fired and arrested." John says, and Stiles huffs indignantly.

"Well, if he didn't want to be fired he shouldn't have forced himself on all of those young girls. I did the school system a favor not to mention saved countless other victims from his grabby, gross hands!" Stiles argues throwing his hands up, and John gives him a hard look.

"You hacked into the secret services incognito computer system which breaks more laws than I have fingers. Stiles, when are you going to realize that this isn't a game? You could have gone to jail. Federal jail at the age of eighteen!" John says, slamming his hands on the steering wheel. Stiles looks down at nothing because his father is right. The judge only gave him some leniency because when he actually committed the crime he was a few weeks shy of his eighteen birthday. Now instead of enjoying the summer before college with Danny, he has to spend it at boot camp.

"Dad." Stiles says. He really hates that his father worries about him, and he hates that his father thinks he needs to worry about him. Stiles can handle himself, he doesn't need his father to do anything to help him. Stiles is glad that he didn't have to go to jail or anything, but he really doesn't want to go to a boot camp with dicks who scream at him to do exercise.

"You get to come home one weekend a month, and this is only for the summer. Then you can go to college, and keep your nose clean. Given your history, I hope that this is an awaken experience." John says, and Stiles snorts.


"Sergeant Hale." Derek looks up to see his second in command smiling at him from his doorway. Derek gives him a nod to so that he can come in, and the young man salutes him before sitting down at Derek's hand gesture.

"Corporal McCall, what can I do for you?" Derek says, and Scott grins at him. Derek remembers a time when McCall's enthusiasm used to get under his skin, but now it is a gentle reminder that the world still has good in it. Derek thinks it has to do with the new doctor in the barricade, but he says out of the personal lives of his soldiers.

"Just wanted to remind you that the new recruits show up today, so does that kid that hacked into the secret services database. Sergeant Major Deaton wants us to keep a special eye on him." Scott tells him, and Derek frowns. He has never had someone under his command that hasn't willingly joined the army. "He's just here for the summer boot camp." Scott says, and Derek raises an eyebrow.

"Twelve weeks with breaks at a boot camp for breaking into a federal database?" Derek says, and Scott shrugs his soldiers.

"Apparently he took down a teacher that had been harassing female students." Scott says, and Derek makes a humming noise.

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