Story #5: The girl in the fire

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A/n: this is the POV of the girl that died in the fire.


"Mommy," I call for her.


I crawl our of my bed. My tummy hurts and Mommy was going to make me some soup.

I walk out of my bedroom and to the kitchen.

No mommy here either. Huh.

On the big square counter ,which Mommy called an island, was a box of cookies.

I smile, Mommy wouldn't know if I took one, or the whole box. My sickness aside, I ran towards the box of sweets.

My feet pattered across the floor but suddenly I heard a crunch.

My foot hurt sssssoooooooo bad!

I lift it up and I see little clear rocks stuck to my foot.

Tears come to my eyes. MMOOOMMMYYYY!!!

My face was wet. "Mommmmmyyy" I yell.

The more and more my foot hurts the more my hands get hot.

I open my eyes and ahhhhhhhh!

My heads have watery fire coming from them!

Blackish air was close to me. Fire clawing at the place where we put our cups and plates.

Get away from them I think.

I run down the hallway to the edge of my home. I was surprised, my foot didn't hurt anymore.

I cough. And Cough again.

Mommy, I try to yell.

"Mommy!", this time I can her it very well.

Part of the ceiling falls.

"Mommy!" This time so small that I could hardly hear it.

I hear feet down the hall, they weren't Mommy feet.

My eyes go big; they must be monster feet!

Bang! The monster crashed into the door. Again and again. Bang! Bang! And the mister broke through.

I block myself with my hands, fire came put of them again! My fire barely missed the monster.

I aim again, but the monster was too fast; he raised his hands and fired.

All that I saw was lots of light and then everything was dark.

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