Story #8: Angel, oh Angel, where is Angel?

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The FAYZ border was clear now. At first I, Luke Dover, could not believe it. We were one step closer to getting out of this hellhole. I raced towards one of the borders, which was already had 60 or so kids; big portion considering how many died.

I smiled- a genuine one- maybe I'll see my parents! That thought stops me dead in my tracks and my smile falters then drops. Angel.

I look through the parents to make sure my weren't there and oh boy, my luck sucked. To the left were my parents pushing towards the front like it was Black Friday.

My feet falter. Mom! Dad! My family, Mom, Dad, me and little Angel.

I look towards my mom who was crying; joyous that one of her babies was waiting to come home. Dad on the other hand was scribbling furiously on a of marker board, he lifted it up and turned the script: Where is Angel?

My heart cries and I shake my head.

I carefully grab the chalkboard I ''borrowed'' from the public school and wrote; Angel is with the angels. My father's eyes squint like he couldn't believe it.

I was the nine year old. I had to protect my three year old sister, but I didn't I went to work and left her alone.

It was dark, she was hungry, and she saw lots of kids do it before so, why not? Why not take the gun to her head? Why not pull the trigger?

Mom was crying now- not tears of joy but tears of sorrow- Dad was trying to be brave.

I hand my equipment to some other kid. It didn't matter, I gave what anyone could want; knowledge of if your child is alive. Besides there was work to be done. Goodbye Angel, I'll be with you soon, I feel a darkness coming.

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