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    //Jimin p.o.v.//

'I kept running. The feeling of being chased didn't disappear the whole time. It even got worse. I tried not to look back, just running forward the unknown. I got deeper and deeper into the forests, not knowing what might come.

Suddenly I saw a light in front of me. I kept running towards it, not turning around, being too afraid of seeing what chased me. As soon as I reached the light, I had to stop. A cliff was spread in front of me. I was too afraid to jump. I was too afraid to turn around. I was too afraid to just stand still.

I felt paralysed, not able to do anything. The thing that chased after me was near. I felt it.

Slowly I turned around, facing it...
I faced a pair of red eyes. Our gazes locked with each other. The other closed their eyes, only to open them again. I saw a tear rolling down. Not a normal tear though, but blood.'

I opened my eyes abruptly. Feeling a tear escaping my eyes, I only stared at the ceiling. Not moving from my bed. Again there was this dream. I had this dream for a few years now. It showed up almost every night. I couldn't understand its meaning. I only knew that I wouldn't want to meet those eyes ever in real life.

The clock next to me showed 3 am. I got up sighing and went to the door. I put on my shoes and my coat and got outside. It was chilly. Lately, I would often go out outside to cool off when I woke up at night.

I wandered in direction of the forest and followed the shining of the moon. Weirdly, the moon would always calm me down when I felt unsure or uncomfortable. That might be because I have wolfs blood in my veins.

I smiled when I saw my favourite tree and sat down in the grass. Really, the moon has always calmed me down since I was little. I started humming, closed my eyes and tried to forget everything around me.


~352 words

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