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                      // Jimin p.o.v.//

"I'm really sorry that you can't stay with me." I could hear from Yoongi's voice that he really was sorry but to be honest I didn't really mind staying with Taehyung for the first weeks.

"I told you not to worry about it."

"No, I can't help but feel bad about it. I don't want you to stay with someone else than me." A frown was now evident on his face and I had to chuckle.

"I'm pretty sure we'll only be separated during night so we can sleep." Remembering something, I continued. "And also during school hours."

"Oh, that's right, you're still going to school..."

"Wait, which school will I be going to?" Not really wanting to miss out on too much classes, I wanted to go to school again as soon as possible.

"I'll register you tomorrow to the school that is about 10 minutes from here, is that alright with you?" I nodded and we continued to chat in my new temporary room in Taehyung's house.

"If anything is wrong, just call me. I live just about five houses away so I'll be there whenever you want, ok?" He said, caressing my arm.

"Stop worrying so much." Yoongi frowned again causing me not being able to hold back my laugh anymore.

Once I became serious again, I asked the question that had been in my head for a few minutes now. "But may I ask why I can't stay with you?"

"I live with my father... and I'm afraid that he could hurt you. He's not the kindest person and he doesn't hesitate to hit his own son so why would he hesitate to hit a stranger? I'm just a bit afraid and I don't want you to be hurt. So please wait until I get my own house and we can live there together, alright?"

I nodded and after we checked the time, we decided that it's best if I would go to sleep soon.

"Be ready tomorrow morning at 9, ok? I'll be picking you up and please don't eat any breakfast, ok?" Yoongi told me while standing up and going towards the door of my room.

"Ok." Flashing him a smile, I waved him my goodbye but he stopped once he had opened the door and turned around to face me.



"I love you." He turned around and left after closing the door, without waiting for an answer.

My cheeks turned a dark red and I probably smiled like an idiot. Only those three worlds made me feel so happy and I fell asleep with a smile on the face that night.

A/n What could Yoongi have planned for the following morning? 🤭

Only a few hours left till Comeback Teaser Shadow! 😍😭🥺

I wish you a happy day/ night!💜

~442 words

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