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// Jimin p.o.v. //

It was dark when I opened my eyes. I sat up and immediately put head in my hands because of the headache.

Looking around, I couldn't recognise anything. Everything was unfamiliar to me.

I just sat there what felt like hours, until the on the other side of the room got opened. Staying and not moving at all, I saw a broad figure approaching me.

As the figure got nearer, I started to feel more and more uncomfortable and afraid.

The person, that seemed like a man to me, stopped right in front of me. He grabbed my left arm and dragged me on my feet.

I wanted to say something but I didn't get the chance to do so because he put on a blindfold on me and put a cloth inside my mouth. The man also tied my hands behind my back so I couldn't move much.

Panic slowly started to get over me but the man dragged me somewhere else. We walked awfully long and it felt like an eternity until I heard a door open.

I felt a hand on my back and it pushed me forward. I stumbled and fell on the cold floor fore me. After that I heard a door close behind me.

It was silent until I heard quiet sobs in the room. I couldn't see or say anything because I was still blindfolded and had the cloth in my mouth.

Suddenly I felt hands at the back of my head and I quickly moved forward.

"Don't worry. I'm just taking the blindfold off, ok?" A female voice spoke to me and somehow I believed it and let her take off my blindfold.

She first loosened the cloth around my mouth and then took off the blindfold. Before I could turn around, she also untied my hands.

I turned around, rubbing my wrists that were red from the ropes.

"Thank you very much." I flashed the person a quick smile before really looking at her. She was a beautiful woman, maybe in her late forties.

She smiled back and reached out her hand to touch my cheek but I backed away before she could actually touch it.

When I looked back at her, I could see tears escaping her eyes but she never stopped to smile.

I got kind of worried about why she was crying. She wore only a long grey dress and she looked like she didn't took a shower in a few weeks. Not that I'm saying that she looks dirty, just not very well taken care of. But her pretty face still made her look beautiful.

"Y-You've g-grown s-so much." She said with a smile.

I, on the other hand, got confused. "Do I know you?"

She smiled at me and again reached her hand out to touch my face. But this time I let her cup my right cheek with her left hand, letting her stroke my cheek carefully.

"J-Jimin... I love you. You grew up to be this beautiful, I can't believe it..." She completely ignored my question but when she saw the confused look on my face she answered me.

"I'm Yuna..."

That's when I realised it. Her eyes. How they looked like crescent moons when she smiled. And the way her teeth showed when she smiled. It all made sense now.

The realisation made a tear escape my eyes. Not out of sadness but out of happiness.
I quickly put my arms around her petite body and began to sob.


A/n If any of you wonder who Jimin's mother is, then look down below.

How do you guys like the story so far? I would really love to know!

Thank you for reading!💜

~594 words

Kim Yuna, she is a Korean Ice Skater.

Her eyes resemble a bit the eyes of Jimin, that's why I chose her.

Her eyes resemble a bit the eyes of Jimin, that's why I chose her

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