//Yoongi p.o.v.//
The morning sun woke me up and my alarm clock showed me that it was 8:35 am. It was time to stand up and go to the other pack.
I brought my luggage downstairs and went straight to the kitchen. My father was already sitting there and drinking his morning coffee.
"Are you finally going to be useful in your life?"
I looked at him and he gave me a smug smile. "I'll miss you too." He could clearly hear the sarcasm in my answer that's why he ignored me and I just left.
Putting my shoes on I checked the time once again and we still had one our before our train would go so I slowly walked towards Hoseoks house.
I opened his door without knocking only to close it quickly. Hoseok and Taehyung were again making out and this time it was right behind the door. After a few minutes the door opened again and revealed a mad Hoseok and a flustered Taehyung.
"I told you to knock." Humming in response I just pushed past the two and went straight to the kitchen where I sat down at the table.
"Yeah, just make yourself at home." I glared at Hoseok who put his hands in the air to defend himself " Just saying, not a reason to be mad, Yoongi."
"Taehyung would you be so nice?"
"Y-yeah, sure." He answered and made his way over to the fridge to make me something for breakfast. Hoseok sat down across me and looked me in the eyes.
"Did something happen?" That was typical for my best friend. He was always the first one to notice when something was bothering me.
"Not really... just... when I went the forests last week... there was this boy... I just can't stop thinking about it. It's stupid and not important though."
Hoseok grinned at me weirdly without saying anything.
"Nothing, I just thought that it was your soulmate maybe? Since you can't get him out your head?"
"Don't be ridiculous. My wolf would've sensed it and he didn't." Taehyung placed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me and I started eating.
After I finished eating, Hoseok again had to kiss Taehyung all over for goodbye. It was as if it was their last meeting but I had to smile anyway. The two looked somehow cute together and everyone could see that they loved each other sincerely.
Once we reached the train station we had to take a train for about 30 minutes. I looked outside the window as some trees passed by.
This might really be some good new experience.
A/n I know that this chapter isn't that interesting but I wanted some Vope action so here we go~~ I hope you enjoyed it anyway!Have a beautiful day/ night!💜
~443 words

Change // Yoonmin ✔️
FanficPark Jimin lives in a world where werewolves exist. He was abandoned by his pack without really understanding or knowing why. He couldn't know that one single occurrence could Change his life. Book 1 of Change. ! This story contains: !smut! !menti...