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                 //Yoongi p.o.v.//

"Are you really sure that you want to do this? I think we should wait and get some people to help us instead of doing this all alone. I have a really bad feeling about this." Hoseok asked me looking extremely nervous and not his normal smily self like always. Although he hasn't really smiled since the whole Taehyung incident.

"Yes, as I said before, you don't have to accompany me. I can go on my own but you insisted on coming with me." I said stopping and turning around to face Hoseok.

He gave me a reassuring smile. "Let's go! Let's go and bring you and you're lovely mate home!" He put an arm around my shoulder and we continued walking towards our destination.

Everywhere were trees, not unusual for a forest. We always kept being cautious because someone could notice us any moment.

After a few minutes we could see buildings between the trees. The buildings looked old and weren't in the best condition but that wasn't important right now.

Every building was small, really small. But one building was bigger than the other ones, seeming to be the pack house.

Stepping nearer the before mentioned building, we could see two crescent moons over the dark doors. That was it. The place I've been looking for.

I slowly approached the door, Hoseok quietly following behind me. It would had been game over if someone had noticed us. Slowly, trying not to make any noise, I pushed the door open. Luckily, it didn't make any sound.

We stepped inside and just stayed still to listen if someone was awake. We couldn't hear or sense anyone so we slowly went ahead, walking through the dark corridor.

There was a corner to our left so we peeked there and that was our mistake. My eyes met with the eyes of someone who's eyes widened only.

Ok, what now? I asked Hoseok through mindlink, still looking at the other persons face.

Well, we can't go back because behind us are also people. Hoseok answered me, sounding worried but not panicked.

Listen, there are stairs behind this person, I think they are protecting them. Maybe they are hiding something downstairs and we know what, it more likely who. I told Hoseok, trying to think of something.

Suddenly more people came, some ran down downstairs and some stopped and looked at us like they were ready to attack any time.

Suddenly I recognised one of the men. It was the man that tried to touch my mate in my dream. I could never forget such a disgusting face.

Calm down, Yoongi. We have to think, you can't act out of furiousness right now. Hoseok told me, now sounding a bit panicked.

But I didn't really listen to him. Running towards the man I recognised, I grabbed him by his colour and pushed him to the floor, now sitting on top of him.

"Where is he?" I said into his face, my eyes glowing in a dark red, not being able to hold in my wolf any longer.

He only smirked at me, not saying anything. He pissed me off, so I punched him in the face but he never let go of his disgusting smirk and it only made me more furious.

Suddenly my head shot up when I heard something like a whine. My mate.

Yoongi, DON'T! I didn't even listen to Hoseok shouting my name. I heard my mate cry, how was I supposed to stay calm any longer?

I got up on my feet and pushed everyone aside that tried to stop me from seeing my mate. Running down the stairs, I felt my heart beat so fast.

I reached a corridor, a dark one, only small lamps made a bit of light, just enough to see shadows and walls.

Smelling a sweet smell, I knew it was my mate's smell. I just kept running forward, following the sweet scent that was slowly getting stronger and stronger.

I reached a high black door tag the end of the corridor and I didn't hesitate to kick it open.

That's when I saw it. Saw him. The image that would never leave my memory ever again.

There he was, my mate, shaking and hugging himself.

His body was full of red and blue bruises. Why could I see every bruise so clear? That was because he was completely naked. They didn't even leave one single cloth on him.

He was sitting there in the cage, behind the bars of the cage that didn't even allow him to stand up.

He seemed to notice my presence because he looked up. And when our eyes met I felt like crying.

I was looking in those beautiful silver eyes. They were looking for help, for safeness, for comfort.

I finally found him.
My mate.
My love.
My destiny.

My Jimin.

A/n I'm so motivated in writing right now.

Ok, I think, everyone knew it will be Jimin. Lol

Also! Only 10 chapters left before this story ends!

I purple you and I hope you have a great day/ night!💜

~816 words

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