☽ 25 ☾

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// 3rd person p.o.v.//

Hoseok was sitting on his bed in his room, or more likely the room Seokjin gave to him for their stay. He was holding a small black box in his hands and was totally lost in his own thoughts.

Suddenly a knock was heard at the door. Hoseok put the small box in the pocket of his jeans and mumbled a "come in".

The door opened and showed a nervous Taehyung who looked at Hoseok. "Can we like... talk?" Hoseok just nodded as an answer and mentioned Taehyung to sit down on a chair across his bed and himself.

There was only silence in the room until Taehyung decided to say something first.

"So... there is something important I have to tell you and I want you to listen to the very end."

"Go ahead." Hoseok answered shortly and looked Taehyung in the eyes, only to take his gaze away because it hurt too much to look in the eyes of the love of his life.

"So... uhm... I..." Taehyung took a deep breath before starting over, feeling his eyes getting watery.

"I-I am pregnant and-" Taehyung didn't get to finish his sentence because of Hoseok standing up and shouting at him.

"Shut up!" Hoseok hated it to shout at Taehyung but he was just so furious that he lost control over his own feelings.

"As soon as you find your mate, you go and sleep with him. Is it your way of breaking up with me? Telling me your pregnant with his child? It's all the same with you Omegas and Alphas! You use us Betas as much as you want and like and after that you have your soulmates meanwhile we Betas have to get lost! Are you happy now? TELL ME! ARE YOU HAPPY?! HAPPY THAT YOU PLAYED WITH MY FEELINGS? WAS IT FUN?"

Taehyung remained silent the whole time. Tears were running down his cheeks. He looked hurt. But the one who looked hurt the most was Hoseok.

"H-hoseok, let me f-finish-"

"No. You said enough. I don't want to hear anything from you." By now, tears were escaping Hoseok's eyes as well. He searched something in his pocket and pulled out the black box he admired before.

"You and me. That was something I imagined to remain. But it wasn't meant to be from the very beginning. Thank you and goodbye Kim Taehyung."

Hoseok went passed Taehyung and dropped the box in Taehyung's lap. Before Taehyung could say anything, Hoseok opened the door, went through it and closed it behind him.

Only Taehyung's light sobs could be heard in the small bedroom. After a few minutes, Taehyung decided to open the small box to check it's content.

It only made Taehyung start crying even more. He fell down on his knees and clenched the small box with it's content in his fists and pressed it against his chest. Countless tears didn't stop to flow down his face. His love just left him. He looked at the content of the box.

A ring. An engagement ring.

A/n Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the chapter. :)

~515 words

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