☽ 31 ☾

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// Jimin p.o.v. //

"Thank you, Goodbye!"
I said to my boss when my shift ended.

Stepping outside the building, cold wind blowed against my face, causing me to shiver a bit.

It was already dark outside and the time on my mobile phone showed 10:37 pm. With slowl but steady steps, I made my way home.

I was quietly humming a random song that got stuck in my head a few days ago.

Someone was walking in the far. I didn't really pay attention to the person because it wasn't unusual for people being on this street at this hour.

As the person came near me, they approached me. It was a young woman, wearing a long brown coat.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you but I'm new in this era and I'm looking for the nearest convenience store. Could you help me out?"

"Sure." I answered shortly and turned around and pointed towards the direction I just came from.

"You just go straight down the street and in about 600 meters there will be a store on your ri-" I couldn't finish my sentence because I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head and then I felt something like a cloth against my mouth and nose. After a few seconds of trying to fight back I blacked out.

        // 3rd person p.o.v. //

A man was approaching a petite body that laid on a small mattress in an even smaller room. The man crouched down to the boy that laid there. Reaching out his hand, he brushed away the boy's hair that was falling onto his pale skin.

"Looks like I finally found you, Park Jimin."

A/n Ok, so can we all talk about 191121 Taehyung because; wow.

~279 words

~279 words

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