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                       // Yoongi p.o.v. //

"It better be important. You interrupted my beauty sleep. You could've at least waited a few hours. It's literally 5 o'clock in the morning." Seokjin scolded me while a yawn escaped his mouth.

"Just sit down already." He listened to me and sat down next to Hoseok on the couch. I sat down across him on a chair while sipping a cup  of coffee to calm my nerves.

"Listen boy, I dreamed about my mate. Once again. But this time it was different. He is in danger. I can feel it." I started to explain.

"That's true, hyung. I saw Yoongi cry in his sleep because of his dream. And i can tell you, it was the first time in my whole life that I saw Yoongi cry. And I have known him since birth."
Hoseok told Seokjin to underline my words.

"Ok, and what was it that you were dreaming of?" Seokjin asked a bit unsure, not knowing what he was about to hear.

"So actually, I had two dreams. The night before. I saw a person, I think a boy who's face I couldn't see, and a wolf. The wolf had white fur, almost silver in the moonlight. It reminded me of the wolf I've seen before in my dreams.
Through the whole dream, I couldn't see the person's face. But the wolf. The wolf stepped towards me and mouthed the word 'help'. With this the dream ended."
I explained to both boys that were listening closely.

"So we know that your mate needs help... and what about the second dream?" Seokjin asked while Hoseok had a worried look plastered on his face.

"I think I saw the whole dream through my mate's eyes. It was like a first person point of view and what I witnessed wasn't pleasant in any way but thanks to that, I know that my mate is indeed a male. There was this dark room he was in and he was chained to a giant bed.

After some time another person entered the room. A male. He tried to touch my mate in an inappropriate way."

When said the last sentence, I could feel a wave of anger in my body and I made a fist. Unfortunately, I still had the cup in my hand and I crushed it in between my fingers.

The small pieces of the cup caused cuts on the inside of my hands and blood started to drip down my skin.

"Don't you dare to leave stains on my carpet!" Seokjin shouted at me and disappeared in the kitchen. A few seconds later, he returned with bandages in his hands and quickly covered my hands with it after getting out the pieces of the cup out of my now completely red skin.

"Did you see who the man was?"
I shook my head at Hoseok's question.

"What did the room look like? Where there any hints of a possible pack? Symbols maybe?"
I thought a bit about it before answering Seokjin.

"There was indeed something. Over the door hang a clock. It was giant and golden. There were two crescent moons that decorated it. That is all."

"Hmm... I'll talk to my father about it, maybe he can help us." I nodded at Seokjin and then stood up.

"I'm tired so I'm going to bed now. Maybe I'll dream something that might help us more." I said as calmly as I could.

Actually, I was burning from anger on the inside but it wouldn't help anyone if I acted immature right now. The best solution to call my nerves now was sleep.

A/n I know I'm late but;


I love how the hashtag #JinCult was trending on twitter.

For those who didn't know: I'm Seokjin biased and honestly, it was the first time I tweeted so much on one day.

Anyways, all Daesangs from the MAMA went to BTS and again I'm feeling like a proud mother. 🤧

I purple you!💜❄️💫

~605 words

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