☽ 8 ☾

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     // Yoongi p.o.v. //

A few days passed since I had talked to the head Alpha. I was leaving tomorrow to the crescent moon pack. In exchange that I went there, the other pack sent us a few betas so we could protect our pack even when I was gone or the head Alpha couldn't fight.

I was in my room to pack my things when I heard knocking on my window. Hoseok always came through the window. I opened it to him and let him into my room.

„Why can't you just go in through the door like any normal human being?" Stating annoyed, Hoseok just shrugged at my question and sat down on my bed.

„Why are you packing your things?" He gave me a confused look.

„I am going on vacation." His eyes lit up in excitement and he was about to say something but I interrupted him. „That was joke. I'm going to stay at the Crescent Moon Pack for a while.

„Why? Is there a reason?"

„The head Alpha told me to. Or most likely forced me to. I don't want to but I am going to stay there and learn some things about leadership and so on. I think you should know that I am going to take over Kibums position at the end of the year."

„So soon?! I thought you agreed to wait till you are 21?"

„Yeah, sure. But things change and now I am going to be the Leader in a few months. Great. You know what that means for you, right?"

He gave me a confused look. „It's obvious that you're involved into this too, Hoseok. Just think about it. You will be my right-Hand beta. Only for information. So you also have to get ready for your position."

„Woah, wait a minute. Are you serious? I don't have a talk about this, do I? You're literally forcing me into this position, right?"

I nodded and he sighed. After that we only enjoyed the silence in my room. A few minutes later Hoseok spoke up again.

„Do you think I can join you? To the other pack I mean."

„I think that won't be a problem but are you sure? We won't be on holidays there and you probably won't see Taehyung for some time."

„Yes, I'm aware of that but I have the strong feeling that I have to go with you."

The room was silent again.

„We're leaving tomorrow morning. It's better you pack your things. I will pick you up around 9 am so better be ready. And I don't wanna see you two making out again when I enter your house."

"You could just knock before entering but ok." He stood up and left through the window. Why do I even have a door?

I finished my packing and went to bed. Before falling asleep I remembered something. There was this boy who I always looked at some nights ago. Leaving my bed I made my way into the forests.

Once I reached our border I shifted into my wolf form and started running. I ran about 20 minutes straight and didn't reach the old tree. Was it really that a far away?

A few minutes later I finally reached the tree I was looking for. I couldn't see the boy though. He probably wasn't there so I stepped forward into the clearing. I looked around. First to my right and then to my left. And there I met with a pair of brown eyes.

They stood there. I couldn't move and just looked at his eyes. Seeing him freeze I felt a weird feeling. It felt like minutes where we just looked at each other. Suddenly the boy slowly started to move backwards and then it it hit me. I was still in my wolf form. The young boy probably was afraid of me and it would be better when I hid myself. And that's what I did, I ran back into the forests and headed home.

Once I reached our territory I changed back into my human form and went back home. I reached my house only to go straight into bed and fast falling asleep.

A/n Thank you for over 300 reads already. I'm very thankful. 🙏🏻💜

Have some of you already played BTS World?
Yoongi who? I only know Yunki.
I really enjoy this game since I like games like these. But reminds me a lot of Mystic messenger?

Here a Yoonmin meme cause I am in the mood.

Here a Yoonmin meme cause I am in the mood

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~702 words

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