☽ 18 ☾

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              //Yoongi p.o.v.//

I opened my eyes while breathing heavily. Staring at the ceiling, I tried to take everything in that happened in the dream. The clock next to my bed displayed the time, 06:46 am.

Since I probably hadn't been able to sleep anymore I decided to go down into the kitchen.

Strangely the light was turned on when I entered the kitchen. When I looked to my right I could see Seokjin sipping on a cup of tea or coffee.

"Why are you up?" I asked him while seating myself across him.

"I could ask you the same. I couldn't sleep and I normally always wake up around this time, I'm not sleeping till noon unlike you." I huffed at him and grabbed a glass of water.

"But why are you up?" I looked at him and I immediately felt sad thinking about the dream. Those I eyes looked so lonely and broken.

"I... had a dream." I looked down at my hands that were holding the glass. The water displayed my face and to be honest, I looked like i didn't sleep at all.

"Want to tell me about it?" Seokjin gave me a reassuring smile, so I nodded and started to tell him about it.

After I told him what happened in my dream he asked me what kind of feelings I felt during it.

"I felt how lonely and sad the other was. But I could also sense the fear. I had the need to comfort the other. It felt so right looking into that silver pair of eyes. And now when I am awake I feel so lonely. Like something is missing. Somehow my wolf tells me that i need to see those silver eyes again."

Seokjin just nodded and his facial expression turned serious.

"From what your telling me, I feel like you dreamed about your Soulmate."

I looked up at him with a shocked expression. It made me happy to know that I had a fated partner.

"How am I supposed to know that it really was my soulmate in my dream?"

"I read many books about Soulmates and all that. Often the fated partners dream of each other in the dreams. It's unusual though that you feel what the other is feeling. I guess that you could feel his emotions because you're a Trueblood. But you said silver eyes?"

I nodded. "Yes, his eyes were shining silver and his fur was also shining white in the moonlight." I smiled at the memory. The knowledge of my mate being this beautiful made me feel weird. A good kind of weird.

"You do know what that means right?" I looked at him with a confused expression, tilting my head a little?

Seokjin literally facepalmed himself and shook his head. "I can't believe that you're going to be a head Alpha. Sometimes you're just so clueless, careless, stupid and lazy."

I just shrugged with my shoulders. It was something that ran in my family when I think of my dad.

"Come with me. I will show you something." Seokjin stood up and motioned me to follow him. We put our coats and shoes on and left the house.

A/n I don't know why but I am so proud of this and the last chapter. I really like them.

I purple you and have a nice day/night!💜🥺

~534 words

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