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            //Jimin p.o.v. //

I stood up and shook off the dust. Checking the time I decided to walk back home. The moon was still high up in the sky and shone brightly at the trees.

I walked down the path and kept on humming. Once I reached my door I searched for my keys. 'Damn' I didn't have my keys with me. They had to be somewhere and I was sure I had taken them with me.

Walking back the same path, I looked everywhere with my cellphone light but I couldn't find it. That was really a problem. How was I supposed to come into my apartment. I slowly reached the old tree and looked around still not finding my keys.

One thing came into my mind: I would have to call Seokjin. I couldn't afford to call someone who would open my doors. It would had been too expensive.

My cellphone was ringing and I sat down at the spot I had sat before. "What is it?" I heard Jins quiet and raspy voice. Well, I called him in the middle of the night, no wonder he sounded sleepy.

"Jinnie, I have a problem. I lost my keys. I can't find them and I am now locked outside my house." It was kind of embarrassing to tell him that.

"The hell, Jimin. How did you do this? I told you before that you shouldn't wander around at night all on your own. Especially not now when you're hurt. Jeez... what now? You know exactly that I can't let you stay at mine. The pack wouldn't be very pleased."

"I know. I... just don't have anyone else I could ask. Don't you have like an idea what I can do now? I can't effort someone to open my door and you know that just too well."

I heard Jin sigh at the other end of the line. I sure am troublesome. "Jimin, I have an idea. There is this old house where we used to live before. No one is housing there at the moment. It's at the end of our territory's border so you have to promise me you won't cross it. I will give you the adress. It's not locked and you can stay the night there. We will get into your apartment tomorrow. Alright?"

Seokjin told me the adress and I headed towards it. I reached a small house that looked really nice. Opening the door, I saw that it wasn't locked. Jin was right. Slowly, I looked around searching for a bed. There was one upstairs. Though there was only the mattress, this was better than nothing. I curled myself up on the bed and fell asleep.

// Yoongi p.o.v. //

I woke up when I heard voices. It was still dark outside. Glancing towards the old willow, I noticed the boy still sitting there but he was talking now. I tried not to move and to listen to what he was saying. It seemed like he was talking on the phone. He said a name that was quite familiar to me. Jin... I know a Jin but there was no way that it was the same one. Right?


~532 words

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