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                      // Jimin p.o.v. //

I turned around on the mattress and let out a quiet and tired groan. Wait.. mattress? Quickly sitting up, I had to hold my head in the progress because of the headache I had.

I was covered by light blue sheets and was surrounded by a familiar scent. It felt like home but something was different. And how did I even get home in the first place? Wasn't I at this other pack just a few minutes ago? Being touched and- I shook my head and closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to remember how I kind of enjoyed the touch.

Turning around my head to my left, I saw a person sitting on a stool. Just now I noticed the scent that reminded me of a rainy forest.

The person's brown eyes stared into my own eyes and I could see their lips curving into a small smile.

"Yoongi?" I asked, feeling slightly confused why he was in my room. Or more likely why we both were in my room.

"Good morning, Jimin. How are you feeling?" He asked while standing up and coming towards my bed, sitting down on the edge of it.

"Good?" He chuckled at my answer that came out more like a question.

He reached out his hand and took my cheek with it, caressing it while I leaned in into his touch.

"I'm sorry. I should've come sooner. I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of this, that I couldn't protect you."

"It's okay." I looked down and started to fiddle with my fingers.

"I think there is a lot we should talk about, right?" Yoongi spoke up once again and pulled me out of the bed. I looked down and saw that I was wearing my baby blue pyjamas and turned red. "Did you change me into my pyjamas?" I asked slightly embarrassed about the thought of him seeing me naked and exposed.

"No, Seokjin did it. We thought that it might have made you feel uncomfortable if I did even though you should get used to be naked around me." He winked at me, causing me to blush at the last part.

We made our way over to the kitchen and sat down. Yoongi made his way over to the cabinets and pulled out two plates and cups.

"What do you want to eat, Jimin?" He asked, turning around and giving me all of his attention.

I thought for a moment before answering. "Maybe... Jams?"

He nodded and looked for bread and everything else he would need but after a few seconds he turned around with a frown on his face.

"Uhm... I think you get no jams today." He said while holding up a package of green bread. I frowned in disgust.

"How long haven't I been at home?"

"Over three weeks." Shock was evident on my face and I looked down.

A bowl was placed before me and I looked up to see that there was also a package of cereals and a bottle of milk.

"Sorry, I think that's the only eatable thing in this house right now." Yoongi apologised while sitting down across from me.

I nodded and started to eat slowly when I remembered something.

"When you found me... was there maybe a female omega on the pack grounds too?" I questioned, remembering that I haven't seen my mother other than the first time and got slightly worried.

"No, you were the only one who had omega pheromones. I'm sorry. Why are you asking?"

"It's just... I met my mother there..." Now it was Yoongi who had a shocked look on his face.

"I only saw her once but she told me everything. Why she left and why the pack abandoned me." I looked down before looking up to Yoongi, seeing that he had a worried look on his face.

"My father didn't know that my mother was also a Trueblood Omega because she hid that fact. When she was pregnant she always drank an elixir of the moonflower in order to hide my identity once I would be born. And in fact, it worked. My eyes didn't change their colour when I was born and everyone thought something was wrong with me. That's why I got kicked out. My aunt knew of everything. My mother and her had everything planned, that she would take me in once my mom would disappear. My mother knew that I wouldn't be safe if she stayed with me so she had to escape but she got caught by the Full Moon Pack. She tried to hide me but they eventually found out and got me just the way they got her."

I continued eating, trying to ignore the knot that I was feeling in my throat.

"How come your wolf came out now? Did something trigger it?"

"They injected me with something and I think it was why my wolf reacted after all these years."

Yoongi nodded and I remembered something from last night.

"Yesterday, I felt weird after they injected me something. It felt like my whole body was on fire."

"I think they gave you Heat Injectors."

"Heat... Injectors?" I asked with a questioning look.

"Do you know what a heat is?" I shook my head slightly. I wasn't really familiar with all the things that had to do with our race since I never really was a wolf on my own. So no one taught me.

"Well.. heat is something only Omegas experience. Girls have their periods and Omegas have their heat. You experience it every three months for a few days. In these days it's possible for you to get you pregnant. And well... you get a bit needy at that time too."

"Oh... ok. But if it's for a few days, why don't I have it today too?"

"I gave you Heat Suppressants yesterday. They stopped it. That's also why you blacked out yesterday. Your heat got injected and after that you also got your heat suppressed. That was too much for your body." I nodded my head in understanding.

After we finished eating we went towards the living room and I dropped down on the couch, throwing a blanket around my body.

"Thank you." I flashed Yoongi a smile. I was thankful that he saved me and slightly felt bad for loosing hope.

"No, you don't need to thank me. It's normal for me wanting to save my mate."

I blushed lightly at my coming question. "So are we, uhm, like, mates?"

Yoongi chuckled slightly, showing his beautiful gummy smile that I loved so much. "Yes, to be exact, we are soulmates."

Nodding, I felt my inner wolf wanting to just jump on my mate to feel his warmth, to feel protected in his arms.

"Jimin." I looked up at Yoongi. "Yes?"

"I want to jump on you and hold you as close as I can and hug the life out of you. May I?"

I had to laugh. It was surprising me that we both had the same thoughts but I nodded, giving him my 'ok'.

The rest of the day we just spend cuddling and being close to each other, just enjoying each other's presence.

A/n Another chapter today because I felt motivated. How did you guys like it? I hope that maybe some questions about why Jimin was kicked out of his pack were cleared now.

I wish you a beautiful day/night! 💜

~1207 words

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