☽ 47 ☾

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                       // Jimin p.o.v. //

"I don't want to go in." We were standing in front of the pack building and I hesitated if I should go in or not.

"I know I told you to talk to them but you really don't have to if you don't want to. I'm not forcing you, you know?" Yoongi turned towards me and cupped my right cheek with his left hand.

Shaking my head, I took a deep breath. "Even though I don't want to... I still want to see my father for the first and last time..."

Slowly pushing open the doors of the pack house, I quietly stepped inside. Yoongi took my left hand and showed me the way towards the meeting room where everyone was currently waiting for me.

Yoongi squeezed my small hand one last time before opening the door and revealing a table with men who all had an imitating aura.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and stepped inside the room that instantly quieted down.

Forcing a smile, I bowed down slightly and greeted them once my back was straightened again.
"Hello, I'm Park Jimin."

"I haven't seen you for some time, 17 years, right?"

I nodded and started to squirm under the glare of so many Alphas with strong pheromones.

"So you've presented as a Trueblood Omega now?" Nodding again, I squeezed Yoongi's hand a bit tighter.

"Well... we are sorry for kicking you out the pack. But you have to understand that it was the only right decision especially when you're mother disappeared."
After a small pause he continued.

"But we gladly accept you back to our pack." The smile on his face made me feel less uncomfortable, so I decided to tell them my decision.

"I'm happy that you would take me back in but I'm not going to come back."
A small smile played around my lips when I thought about being in the same pack with Yoongi.

"You're going to join this pack again."
My head turned around to the person that the voice belonged to. A man, maybe in his forties stood up and looked sternly into my face.

"W-why? I-" I wanted to explain myself but I got interrupted by him.

"When I say your coming back then your going back."


I was surprised that he shouted at me but then I realised what his words really meant.

"F-father?" Quietly saying one word, I saw my so called father for the first time.

"Yes, that's why you're going to join this pack, if you want or not."
Before I could say anything, the person that seemed to me like the pack leader, spoke up again.

"Jin-young, calm down. You're not forcing the boy, is that clear?" The intimating pheromones forces him to sit down again and huff in annoyance.

"I just want you to know that I'm leaving tomorrow and I'm taking Jimin with me. He'll be the future Luna of my pack so I would appreciate it if you would stop disrespecting him. Thank you." Yoongi said while releasing his strong pheromones, making everyone quiet in the room. He led me out of the pack building and he told me that he still had to pack his things so we had to go into Seokjin's house.

"I'm going to pack real quick and we can leave right after, okay?" I nodded and Yoongi disappeared in the house, leaving me standing awkwardly in front of my best friend's house.

"I know that you're standing there, Jimin! Just come in already!" Seokjin shouted from inside and I had to let out a chuckle.

"Good to see you again, Jin." Flashing him a big smile, I hugged him back tightly.

"I would have visited you but someone didn't let anyone go near you." My best friend exclaimed dramatically, making me laugh wholeheartedly.

Suddenly I realised something, making my face turn into a frown.

"I'm leaving." He looked at me confused before I explained further.

"I'm going with Yoongi to his pack... that means I won't be able to see you that often anymore..." My happiness that I just felt a few seconds ago disappeared and was replaced by sadness.

"Don't worry, it's not like we live hours apart. It's literally just 30 minutes by train and you know what? Now that you finally feel your wolf, you can shift and we can meet halfway in the forest whenever you like."
He smiled at me reassuringly but I could see a hint of sadness in his brown eyes.

We chatted for a while until Yoongi came down the stairs with a big bag.

"Are you ready?" He asked me, standing a few centimetres next to me.

"Yes, let's go. Bye Jin." I waved Seokjin my goodbyes but just before we could leave, Seokjin spoke up again.

"Yoongi, you better treat my baby right, okay? And Jimin, don't let him tease you too much. Just call me if he does anything to upset you and I'll be there as fast as I can to beat his ass, ok?" We all had to laugh at Seokjin's words.

We stepped outside into the cold weather and left the pack territory hand in hand, ready to start a new life. Together.

A/n I just realised that this could have been a perfect ending but don't worry, I'm going to provide you with a few chapters that are still left.



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I hope you have a great day/ night! 💜

~890 words

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