Part Four:

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       “Thank you so much Mr. Soza. I promise I will honor, respect, and cherish your daughter.” Harry said.

       “You’re very welcome Harry. Remember what I told you. She is my life and I am trusting you with her.” Lilli’s dad told Harry.

      “I remember and I will never forget it.” Harry answered. Robert patted Harry on the back and Lana hugged him. As he walked back he saw Lilli, Isabella, and the boys in a group laughing and talking. He noticed every time Niall looked at his phone he blushed and smiled the biggest smile he’d ever seen.

        “Hey guys!” Harry exclaimed. Harry stood right next to Lilli and immediately grabbed her hand.

        “So Harry… what was all that about?” Louis teased.

        “Oh nothing. You’ll find out sooner or later.” He cheekily grinned and winked at the boys.

        “Lilli can I talk to you for a second?” Harry asked.

        “Sure…” Harry took Lilli to one of the seats by the window of the airport.

        “Lilli, I, uhmm, really like you. I know all this seems really sudden and fast but there is just something about that that make me like I’ve known you forever.” Lilli blushed, urging him on.

        “I was telling your dad about how you had helped me find my phone and I asked him for permission to talk and, uhmm, well, I’d like for you to be my girlfriend.”

        “Yes! I would love to be your girlfriend!’ Lilli exclaimed! She truly liked Harry and was so excited when he asked her to be his girlfriend.

        “Great,” Harry smiled his beautiful crooked smile, flashing his dimples. “I think this is going to last a long time. You’re different from other girls. “ With that, harry leaned in and kissed Lilli on the forehead. As soon as he did there was a bright flash of light.

        “Crap,” Harry mumbled.

        “Oh no,” Lilli said.  

        The Paparazzi had found the boys.

        “Why do they always have to ruin everything? What cant they just mind their own business for once?” Harry angrily stated. After the first camera flash, a while barrage of parazzi seemed to come out of no where. Well, this is just great. I finally find the perfect girl, make her my girlfriend, and they just ruin the whole thing. Great, just great.

        “Guys, come on now. Leave them alone. Don’t go and ruin this for them. This is real. Let him work it out, let him tell the fans,” Louis scolded the paparazzi. Soon the rest of the boys teamed up with Louis and formed a barricade around Harry and Lilli. Even Lilli’s dad and Paul joined in.

        After finally convincing Liam to trade tickets with Lilli, her and Harry sat next to one another on the plane while Liam sat next to Isabella.

        “I’m going to miss you…” Lilli sighed.

        “Let’s not talk about that right now,” harry told her.

        “Okay. I just have to ask you one thing. It’s really important to me. I put Jesus first in everything and I want him to be the center of our relationship. After all, he is my first love and I want nothing more than to honor him. Is that okay?”

        “Wow, I admire that. I want that too. I’ll admit, I’m not very religious but I am open to trying new things.” Harry replied.

        “I’m glad you understand but I don’t want you to change for me. You can always be honest. If you do change, change for the Lord, not me.”

        “I like the idea of an honest relationship. Just be real with each other.”

        “Exaclty. Like I said, I like you just the way you are, for you. Not because you have money or because you’re in a band. I would feel the same way if you weren’t.” Harry’s eyes shone bright in the dark plane. He kissed Lilli on the cheek. She could feel herself blush. She said a little prayer in her head thanking God for Harry and his understanding.

        “So, what’s up with Niall?” Harry asked Lilli.

        “What do you mean?”

        “Well, I’ve never seen him so attached to his phone in my life. Plus, he keeps blushing and smiling.”

        “Oh! Well, I have a good friend back home, Helen, and she really fancies Niall. I swear to you she is the female version of him. She’s always eating, she loves to laugh, and have fun. So when I met y’all I gave him her number. I guess it’s going well.”

        “Well, Miss. Match Maker, it looks like your plan is working. Look at him. He looks like a love sick puppy. I’m thinking Niall may have found his ‘princess.’”

            “Niall, you haven’t put your phone down since Lilli gave you Helen’s number.” Zayn said, teasing Niall.

            Niall looked at Zayn and with all seriousness said, “Zayn, I think I’ve found my princess.”

            “Oooohhh Naill!” Louis said turning around in his seat and resting his chin on the chair so he could face them.

            “Oh shut up Louis.” Niall laughed. Louis was making kissy faces at Niall. Niall was a face at Louis and Lou turned back around laughing.

            “Niall, does she pass ‘The Test?’” Zayn and Liam ask, “ya know, ‘THE TEST.’” Liam turned around urging Niall to answer.

            “Yes guys! She more than passed ‘The Test.’ I asked her every question. She LOVES food.” Niall laughed.

            “That’s great, mate. I’m happy for ya!” Liam said with a grin.

        Zayn patted Niall on the back. He look well pleased as Niall showed him the messages. “I’m happy for ya too, bro. She is one lucky girl!”

        Louis continued to make kissy faces and laughed in agreement. Niall just laughed and blushed as he continued to text Helen.

        “So… I really wish I could see you…” Niall sent.

        “Me too. I’ll be at the airport when Lilli gets back. I’m sure Harry will be there too. Go along with him” Send.

        “Good plan, but I think I have an even better one.” Send. Niall smirked.

        “What’s that? ;)” Send.

        “How about I fly you out to Dallas where we’re performing? I’ll pay for everything. You can stay in a room down the hall from us in the hotel… Yeah?” Send.

        “That sounds amazing! I’ll have to ask my parents. One sec…” Send. “They said yes! And we are NOT sharing the same room ;) Morals…they’re important!” Send.

        Niall grinned to himself. “I have pretty serious morals ;) Okay, I’ll pick you up at 3pm. Cool?” Send.

         “Sounds like a plan!” Send.

      “Yeeeahh buddie! I can’t wait! Well, love, I’m going to try and get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow. Xxx” Send.

        “Goodnight. Love you too.” Send. Niall grinned at the ‘love you too’ part of that last text. 


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