Part Seventeen:

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"On the road again, I just can't wait to get on the road again..." Niall sang as he sat in his seat on the airplane next to his girlfriend.

"I'm so happy to be going back to Mullingar, I've missed it so much," Helen said as she looked up smiling at her boyfriend, who smiled lovingly back at her.

"I'll tell ya what I've missed...Nandos, I have missed Nandos, and me family, but I've had a longing for Nandos," Niall said laughing at himself. Helen and Niall had been in the states for the past couple of months staying with her family, relaxing, and taking in the time together. It was a much-needed holiday. Niall had just gotten off tour and this was the first time that they had seen each other in quite a few months.

"Of course you missed and your food," Helen chuckled, and squeezed her boyfriend's hand.

"Hey, now, I've got to have my food, you know me, wait...what am I saying you are the same way," Niall burst into a fit of laughter; Helen just elbowed him in the side.

"I'm kidding...I'm kidding, I wouldn't have had it any other way, I'm so happy my princess eats as much as I do," Niall said as he smiled and kissed Helen on the side of her head, she just blushed and smiled.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, thank you for flying with Southwest Airlines, we hope you have a wonderful time here in Mullingar, Ireland." The flight attendant announced over the intercom. Niall looked down at Helen and lovingly smiled at her, he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

"I can't wait to see what God has in store for us," he whispered in her ear.

When they arrived at Niall's house, Maura, Niall's mother, was so thrilled to see them, that as soon as she saw their car pulling into the driveway she was already out of the house running towards them.

"Niall, Helen, I'm so glad you're here, I've missed you so much," Maura said pulling them into a group hug.

"Hey mum, we've missed you, I can't wait to hear about all that's been going on in the Mgar! I sure have missed this place!" Niall said, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Well, let's get you're things, Helen you can come with me, and I will show you to your room!" Maura said, as she linked arms with Helen. Helen and Maura had become extremely close. Helen looked up to Maura in many ways. Every time they were together it seemed like Helen was the daughter Maura never had. Niall watched them as they walked inside, walking arm in arm, he couldn't help but smile to himself. He was so thankful for the relationship between Maura and Helen. As they walked into the house all of the lights sprung on and there was a loud shout...


"Mum, you shouldn't have!" Niall said as he wrapped his mom in his arms.

"I couldn't resist, we were all just so excited that you two were coming home, that we decided to throw you all a big welcome home bash," Maura said smiling.

"Mom, you're the best!"

"Thanks, babe, anything for my wonderful son and his lovely lady. Now tell me, when are you going to ask her?"

"Mum, shhh...she might hear you! I was thinking about doing it tomorrow, when we go out to lunch or something I haven't decided yet."

"Well, I can't wait, she is going to make such a lovely bride, and a wonderful wife! I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with such a wonderful son and now a wonderful soon to be daughter in-law," Maura said as she hugged her son, and kissed him on the cheek one last time before going to chat with Helen.

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