Part Eleven:

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            Harry looked at her, his eyes on the verge of tears, “Lilli, you don’t understand how much this means to me. Sometimes I would scroll through my Twitter feed and all I would see was perverted crap. I know I would laugh and joke in interviews and on stage but when I read those things I just wondered if some of those girls had any respect for themselves. Then I met you, you were different. You were confident, sweet, and beautiful inside and out. Your eyes sparkled and your smile was contagious. You radiate grace. You weren’t ashamed of your love for Jesus, that’s what stood out to me the most. I know I wasn’t brought up in the church and I’ve done some things that I regret but to realize that there is someone out there praying for m, someone who belived in me and knew that I was worth so much more is incredible. Lilli, I’ve really  been thinking about what we talked about on the plane that day we started dating. When you told me that you didn’t want me, ya know, accept Jesus or go to church for you but to do it for God,” Lilli’s eyes were shining bright and her eyes flooded with tears as her boyfriend continued, “I’ve taken your bible a few nights and just read some of your notes. I want to have the kind of love you have for the Lord. I’m lost and I don’t know what to do or what to say. I was so confused but you showed me that there is hope.”

        Harry dropped his head and looked at the ground. Lilli lifted his chin to where he was looking in her eyes and said, “Harry, you’re worth so much more than the life you’ve lived. Nothing you’ve said or done could make me love you less. We fail Him everyday, we’re not perfect. We constantly have to ask for forgiveness. He has a plan and a purpose for your life. He’s been standing, waiting for you with open arms. He literally went through hell and bac for you. He died and rose for you. That’s love. The real question here is, are you ready to let him come in and take over your life?”

       Harry looked Lilli straight in the eyes and said with confidence, “I know I am.” At this Lilli’s eyes shone so bright and she was overwhelmed with joy. She couldn’t help but smile.

       “Harry,” Lilli said, epeat after me. Lord, I’m lost and I’m nothing without you,” Harry repeated her.

        “Please forgive me. Come into my heart. I want you to write my life story. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for your love. Help me live the life you want me to. Amen.” Harry repeated her periodically throughout.

       Lilli looked at Harry with the biggest grin on her face, “I think I might be the happiest girl on the planet.” She practically launched herself at Harry, pulling him into a big embrace and planting a kiss on his lips. Harry stood up, pulling Lilli with him, and spun her around in a big circle. He’d never been so happy in his life. He put Lilli back on the ground but didn’t let go.

       “I love you,” Lilli whispered as she stood up on her tippy toes to wrap her arms around Harry. When she leaned in to kiss him he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed back. Lilli could feel him smiling in the kiss.

       That night Harry decided he was never going to leave Lilli, or God…ever.

       “Hey, I’ve got an idea,” Harry said as he ran over to the picnic basket and pulled out an iHome and plugged his phone up. He played John Mayer’s version of “Free Falling.”

       “May I have this dance?” Harry asked as he stuck his hand out for Lilli to take.

       “Why of course you may. But let me tell you, I’m an awful dancing partner,” Lilli said as she put her arms around Harry’s neck. He laughed and placed his arms around her waist.

            “You can’t be any worse than I am,” Harry laughed as Lilli laid her head on his chest. The sound of his heart beat made her feel safe. They danced quietly for half of the song.

            “So, is this like our song?” Lilli asked raising her head from his chest.

            Harry smiled, “you could say that.” Harry hummed the song as they danced. They ended up staying at the lake all night talking about everything and sleeping under the stars.


*insert AWWWWWWE's here*

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