Part Twenty-One:

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After everyone had settled down and eaten, the D.J. announced that it was time for the bride and groom to cut the cake. Lilli, being just as cheeky as her husband Harry, smashed the cake right into his face, which led to him returning the favor. Now, it was time for the toasts. They opted for purple grape juice over wine.

Louis being the best man was the first to give his speech, "I'm not much for speeches, but since Harry's my best mate, I decided I would give it a go. From the first day I met Harry, five years ago, he's been my best friend. More like my brother. We've had our ups and downs, but we would always pull through. It isn't easy being in a "famous" boy band and having a close friendship, let alone being in a relationship, and a godly one at that. Harry and I were known as the "wild boys" I guess you could say, but when Lilli came into Harry's life I knew she was the one for him. Harry's eyes shown brighter than ever. Something was different about him. He seemed truly happy, like true joy and at peace. Lilli didn't treat Harry like the rest of the girls. She genuinely loved him for him and respected him. She didn't pursue him, she let him chase her. She set a standard, and boundaries, she wasn't afraid to be herself and she wasn't afraid to share the love of God with him. She never forced it on him, she just waited patiently and prayed. Harry found love, I mean real love, and by love I mean God. He has never been the same, I mean he is still my cheeky best friend, but he has fallen in love with Him and put God before everything in every aspect of his life. Harry, you have changed my life forever, and I admire you for that. Thank you so much for giving me the honor of being your best friend. I truly believe God brought you and Lilli together for a reason. I love you both! To Lilli and Harry!" Louis said as he raised his glass.

"Well...mine isn't as long as Louis', but it's still pretty lengthy, so ill try to go fast and make it thought without crying." Cassidy, Lilli's maid of honor, said laughing, "Lilli has been my best friend, cousin, and sister for my whole life. She has encouraged me to love God with all my heart; I honestly don't know where I would be without her. Ever since we were little, Lilli has always been in love with 'love.' I remember, when we would have our many guy talks, and how we would talk about how God's love is so much more important, and real than any love, any guy could ever give you. I also remember when Lilli first found out about One Direction, she would always say that she liked Harry and how she could see that he was worth so much more than the life that he was living. She was never obsessed, she never had any posters, or anything she just would always wish for a moment to talk to Harry. I would tease her and say something like, " Dude, you are never going to meet him" but she would always say that if it were meant to be then there would be a way. Well, obviously, God wanted them to meet and Harry you have changed her life. You have been such an amazing boyfriend, fiancé, and now you will be a wonderful husband. God has huge plans you all, and I cannot wait to see them unfold. I love you both. To Lilli and Harry!" Cassidy smiled.

Everyone applauded and wiped the tears from their eyes, including Harry and Lilli.

The D.J. announced that it was time for the bride and groom to share their first dance together as husband and wife. Lilli and Harry danced to "You and I" By Michael Bublé.

It was one of the best moment of Lilli's life. Harry stood and rested his hand in the air waiting for Lilli to take it, "may I have this dance?"

"Why of course you may," Lilli took his hand in hers and Harry led them out to the center of the dance floor. Harry pulled her in close and wrapped his arms around her waist. Lilli placed her arms around Harry's neck and they began swaying back and forth. They didn't talk much. They just danced and looked into each others eyes.

"You're beautiful," Harry said as he kissed Lilli on the forehead. She smiled up at him and stood up on her tiptoes to reach his face. She pulled his head down a little and kissed Harry. It was just like their first kiss, soft and gently but full of passion. It was perfect.

When the song ended it was time for the father-daughter dance. Robert and Lilli danced to "My Little Girl" by Tim McGraw. Robert spun his daughter around like she was twelve and they were at Cinderella's Ball. He told her how proud he was of her and right before the song ended her pulled her in to a huge embrace and kissed her head.

"You'll always be my little girl," he said, holding back the tears.

Next, Harry and his mother danced to "What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong. They laughed and cried with one another as they swayed back and forth on the dance floor. Anne also told Harry how proud she was of him.


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