Part Ten:

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            “I could kiss you forever,” Harry said as he laid down on his back to look at the stars. Lilli bent over and kissed him softly on the lips. The sensation that overcame her when they kissed was overwhelming. She loved it. She pulled away and pecked him on the cheek one last time before she curled up next to him. She laid her head on his chest while he wrapped his arm around her.

            “What’s your biggest fear?” Harry asked her.

            “I don’t really know. I’ve never really feared anything. I just trust God and know that whatever happens is according to His plan and that he’d work everything out for the best. What about you?”

            “Losing the people I love…” he said as he pulled Lilli in closer.

            “I won’t leave you…”

            Harry smiled and ran his fingers through her hair.

            “I want to meet your family. We should go to Holmes Chapel when we leave here,” Lilli begged as she looked at the stars.

            “We could do that. I’ve told them about you and sent them a picture. Mom approves. She’s dying to meet you.”

            “I can’t wait. Okay, my turn to ask you a question,” Lilli said quietly, “what made you want to be with me? You meet tons of beautiful girls everyday who are way prettier than me… Why?”

            “That’s a serious question,” Harry began, “I want you because you weren’t like others. You didn’t chase me, you made me chase you. You just wanted to hang out with me and talk. You treated me like I was a normal person, the normal teenage boy that I am.. You aren’t looking for a status or money, just friendship. You carried yourself with grace and dignity. I’ve learned that Jesus is your first love and you weren’t ashamed or embarrassed to tell me that. You were real with me and told me up front that Jesus was your number one and that you stood for purity. You made and still make me want to be a better person. You are far more beautiful and set apart from everyone not just because of your looks but because of your heart, your love for Jesus. Every time I see you my heart starts beating faster and I get nervous. I fall so hard for you every time. I can’t help but thank God for bringing you into my life. I know we’re going to have little fights and stuff but those fights will only make me love you more. I want God at the center of our relationship.” Harry took Lilli in his arms. She was crying. She wasn’t expecting Harry to say all that stuff about God. She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked up at Harry smiling.

            “Ya know, ever since I first heard about One Direction and watched all your videos, watched twitcams, and listened to your music I knew, deep down, that we would be amazing for one another. I wasn’t expecting on ever meeting you but I left God in control. I had to trust him. I never hated any of the other girls you were seen with because I thought maybe that God didn’t have you in my life plan. Even though it hurt me, I continued to trust Him. When I ran into you at the airport I felt a sense of hope. When I was in Nicaragua I prayed hard for you. I still do and I did before we even met. I’ve written down all my prayers. I have my journal. I want you to have it,” Lilli said as she pulled the journal out of her bag and placed it in Harry’s hand.


Sorry it's so short. As you can see I haven't posted in a while. I'm going to start posting every Tuesday and Thursday! This one and the next one or two are kinda wordy-ish. Just stick with it! Whatcha thinking about it? Vote! Comment! Share! Come back!

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