Part Twenty-Two:

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"Harry, you know Lilli's friend Cassie?" Liam asked Harry quietly.

"Yeah mate, what about her?" Harry asked smiling. Liam and Danielle had split about two months ago, it was a mutual decision, they were both just ready to move on and felt that God was calling them to go their separate ways. Liam and Danielle were still good friends though. Danielle wished to pursue her dancing career and they both felt they were holding each other back. Liam had talked to Danielle about Cassie and even though it hurt her, she was really tying to set the two up. She wanted Liam to be happy.

"Well man... I've got this huge crush on her, but I'm so nervous to go and talk to her. I mean, do you think it's too early? Ya know, since me and Danielle, ya know...?"

"Go for it.Just be you mate! I mean come on, she would have to be mental not to like you!" Harry said giving his friend an encouraging push toward the dance floor.Liam's cheeks were bright red and he gave Harry a shy look that said, "I can't do it" but Harry urged him to go on.

Okay Liam, you've got this, just be yourself! What am I doing? I'm gonna look like an idiot, she probably thinks I'm a freak cause I've been staring at her all night! No, you can't back down! You've got this. God is on your side! Okay deep breathes, just say hi...

"Hi..." Liam blurted out.

"Hey Liam! Wasn't the wedding beautiful?" Cassie said obviously trying to make Liam feel comfortable.

"Yeah it was," Liam stated, trying so hard not to sound like he was obviously implying that she looked beautiful.

Cassie blushed, "is everything alright?"

"Yeah everything is great, uhmm sorry, I was just wondering if you wanted to you know, uhmm dance with me?" Liam asked looking at the ground.

"I thought you'd never ask, of course Liam, I'd love to dance with you!" Liam took Cassie's hand in his and led her to the dance floor, everything was going great, they slow danced to the song "Love" By Matt White. It was magical almost like a fairytale. After the song was over they went and took a seat at one of the tables, immediately they were engrossed in conversation.

"Wow, would you look at that, Liam and Cassie, who would have thought," Lilli said as she turned and smiled at her husband as they danced.

"Sweet isn't it." Harry said smiling back. He leaned in to kiss his wife, his wife.

When he pulled away Lilli seemed to be looking over his shoulder, "oh Harry, look it's Whitney and Zac!!" Lilli said full of excitement. Whitney was one of Lilli's best friends, when they were in high school they would always fangirl together along with Helen! Whitney had always had the biggest crush on the one and only, Zac Efron. She always said that someday she would run into him and just have a normal conversation. That all she wanted and that's what she got. They ran into each other when she was on vacation in California. Literally, they ran straight into one another. He wasn't looking and knocked her to the ground. She scraped up her leg pretty good and he took her to the minor emergency room. She was forever greatful and they exchanged numbers and have been inseparable ever since. They claim that they're only friends but everyone knows they're together and pretty serious at that. Everyone was wondering just when would Zac pop the question.

"Whitney, how are you? I am so glad you could make it!" Lilli exclaimed as she pulled away from Harry and hugged her friend.

"I am doing great girl, how are you? You look so beautiful, the whole wedding was beautiful!" Whitney said hugging her friend back.

"I'm doing great! And Awe, thank you so much!! You look beautiful yourself," Lilli added. The men just stood back and watched their girls while they chatted, occasionally they would have some man talk.

"Zac, how are you brother?" Harry asked going in for the 'manly hand shake.'

"I'm doing great man, your wedding was amazing. Congratulations man."

"Thank you so much, I'm so blessed!" Harry said smiling at his wife as she chatted on with Whitney.

"Me too," Zac laughed, "I know we always say we're just close friends but I've already got a ring. I'm thinking about asking in the next couple of months."

"Wow! Congratulations to you too," Harry said as he patted Zac on the back.

"What are we congratulating Zac on?" Lilli asked. The boys hadn't noticed the girls were on their way towards them.

"Ermm, Zac was just telling me about how well his last movie did..." Harry brought up on the spot. Zac gave him a thankful look. They said their goodbyes and wished each other the best of luck.


The whole Liam and Danielle breaking up part was written months before all the Liam andDanielle drama and we didn't change it because it would have messed up the whole story.

Ya like how she added me and Zac Efron in there? Hahaha, like that would ever happen. ;)

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