Part Sixteen:

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"Welcome to Cheshire, Holmes Chapel, England!" Harry said in his best announcer voice.

"It's beautiful," Lilli said smiling with excitement. As soon as they pulled into the driveway Anne, Harry's mom, was running out the door.

"Robin, Gemma, get out here! They're here!" Anne yelled. Robin, Harry's stepdad, and Gemma, Harry's sister came running.

"Harry! My boy, I've missed you so much!" Anne said as she threw her arms around Harry and started kissing his head in a motherly fashion. Lilli smiled at the sight.

"Lilli, you look wonderful! How are you?" Gemma said as she hugged Lilli. Gemma hooked her arm in Lilli's and walked her to the house. Anne and Harry followed behind.

As Lilli answered Gemma, Anne and Harry were having a discussion where Lilli couldn't hear them.

"Do you have the ring?" Anne whispered.

"Yes mum. I'm planning on popping the question tonight," Harry whispered back excitedly.

"Shhh, don't want her to hear you. Go get settled in first. I'm so excited. She's a lovely girl. I'm proud of you," Anne said as she squeezed her son's arm.

Harry grinned, "thanks mum. She really is amazing," Harry said admiring Lilli as she walked and laughed with Gemma. Anne gave Harry's arm one last squeeze and ran up and took Lilli's hand.

"Hey, I've missed you so much," Lilli said. It had been a long time since Harry had brought Lilli to see his family. Well, since after the Italy vacation.

"I've missed you to dear. Here, you can sit your bags down in this room. This is where you'll be staying," Anne said smiling at the look of surprise of Lilli's face.

"Harry's old room?" Lilli said with a smirk on her face.

Anne winked, "feel free to do all the snooping you want." Anne looked back at Harry who just shook his head and chuckled.

"Haz, you can stay in the guest room," Anne said smiling.

After they had all freshened up, eaten dinner, and caught up Harry took Lilli on a walk. Lilli tried to get Harry to wait a minute so she could help Anne finish up the dishes but Anne urged her to go on.

They were sitting on a park bench. Everything was so picturesque. Lilli was looking up at the bright stars shining when she realized Harry was no longer sitting beside her. She looked around and when she faced forward she found Harry down on one knee. Tears immediately began to fill Lilli's eyes.

"Lilli, I love you. You are absolutely incredible. You've made me a better person," he took both of her hands in his, "I promise to love youforever, to be a godly husband. I promise to protect you and even when we fight, I promise we'll get through it. I'll never leave you. So, please, do me the honor of becoming my wife." Harry choked up at the end.

By this time, tears were streaming down Lilli's face. All she could do was nod her head and mouth the word 'yes.'

Harry slid the ring of Lilli's dreams on her finger and looked up at her smiling. At exactly the same moment they both jumped up and embraced each other. Harry spun Lilli around and leaned his head up to kiss her as well. As they were kissing, it started to pour rain. Harry smiled into the kiss. It was perfect.

As Lilli pulled her head up to look at Harry, he sat her down.

"You finally got that kiss in the rain," Lilli smiled up at Harry.

"I sure did. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way." Harry caressed Lilli's cheek with his hand.

"Harry," someone screamed from the bushes, "can I come out now?"

"Is that Louis? What is he doing here?" Lilli asked craning her neck to see.

"Yeah Lou! C'mon out! Sorry mate, didn't know it was going to rain. Must have been a God thing," Harry joked

"Yeah? Well, I was praying the rain would hold off." Louis joked as he came out. Lilli couldn't help but giggle. Louis was drenched and covered in leaves and branches. He was so funny. Lilli assumed he was taking pictures while Harry popped the question.

"Louis! Thanks so much for doing that! You're the best," Lilli said as she gently placed her arms around him trying not to get herself to dirty.

"How about a proper hug!" Louis yelled as he wrapped his arms around lilli being sure to get the leaves all over her too. Lilli screamed jokingly. Louis let go and Lilli ran over to Harry for protection.

"Congratulations future Mrs. Styles," Louis said.

"How about we get out of this rain and go celebrate?" Harry suggested taking Lilli's hand. The three of them headed back to Harry's house in a hurry.

As soon as they walked through the door everyone starting cheering for them.

"Thank you, thank you," Louis said jokingly as he bowed. Harry shoved him out of the way with a big grin on his face. He loved his best friend. Lilli showed off her ring to all the girls. They immediately started talking wedding plans. The boys sat around and watched the girls talk about the future wedding. Louis showed Harry the picture he'd gotten, they were perfect.

Harry tweeted a picture of Lilli's hand with the beautiful ring on her finger.

"She said yes! My future bride<3 I love you @lilli______"

Immediately the trends were going crazy. "We love Lilli," "Mrs. Lilli Styles," "HarryandLilli," "CongratulationsHarryAndLilli," and "SheSaidYes" were all trending within a matter of minutes.Everyone knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Lilli was sometimes afraid of getting on Twitter. She didn't want to read any hate but Harry assured her that the fans were very supportive. And they were.


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