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Mom and I arrived back at home with all the food that we needed. We both got out and grabbed bags, dad soon came out and helped us. We had several bags of food which mom ended up just putting away and sending me to go get ready for dinner with everyone. I walked to my room and looked through my small walk in closet for something that was acceptable. I finally found an un-holey band shirt, a pair of ripped up skinny jeans and a pair of white leggings and my boots. I decided to go take a quick shower to help me feel more fresh. I washed my hair and body. I turned the water off and got out, I dried off and got dressed. I walked back to my room and slipped on some socks and my boots, I left them untied and fixed my hair.

I sighed, happy with the way my outfit turned out. I left my room and rejoined the family in the living room.

"You look actually nice," Dad commented, "But do you have to wear the torn up pants?"

I rolled my eyes, sometimes living with him was difficult.

"Chayton, leave her alone," mom said to dad before turning to me, "You look good, sweetie."

I smiled, "Thanks, mom."

There was a knock at the door and I walked over to open it. There stood a younger boy, right around my age, and an older man.

"Hello," The older man said smiling, "You must be the beautiful Mi-Na that Nina told me about. I am old Quil, your grandfather."

"It's nice to finally meet you, grandfather," I said, smiling as I hugged him, "And you must be Quil," I spoke to the young boy.

"Yup," He said, "It's nice to meet you. Grandpa would tell me about you since aunt Nina sent pictures of you all the time."

"She did," I asked letting in the two Quils.

"She did," Grandpa said, "You also have other cousins down here. I would like for you to meet them as well."

"How many family members do I have here?"

"Well there is three siblings, their last name is Black but the son is the only one around."

"How are they related to me," I asked.

"Their mom is my niece but she passed away when the kids were young."

I nodded slightly, we walked into the dining room and found mom and dad sitting there with the bored looking twins. I noticed they didn't have their phones, dad must've made them put them away for dinner.

"Nina, my beautiful daughter," Grandpa said hugging mom, "And my handsome son in law."

He shook hands with Dad while Quil went through and greeted both, he was noticably quiet but it's completely understandable since it was his first time meeting all of us.

"Please, sit. Dinner is about done," Mom said, "Mi-Na, mind helping me?"

I went and helped her bring everything out to the dinner table where everyone was sitting.

"Kids," Mom said, "Sit up and stop moping."

I heard them both groan before sitting up.

"Nina," Grandpa said, "I was telling Mi-Na that I would like for her to meet Sarah's kids."

"Oh, yes! I forgot they lived around here. Of course, I will invite Billy and the kids over."

"Rachel and Rebecca do not live there anymore," Grandpa said, "Jacob does, however."

"Well, I will invite Jacob and Billy over then."

I heard dad sigh, I knew he was feeling very poorly of all this.

"Dad," I said, he looked up at me, "Can I talk to you outside? Mom, grandpa; we will be right back."

Dad followed me outside and I turned to him.

"What do you want to talk about, Mi-Na?"

"You. You are acting like a dick," I said rather angrily, "You act like we shouldn't even claim them as family when they are mom's family. They are my family. They are the twins family. They are family. From what I heard, you are not a fan of my family for being what they are but they can not help it! It is in their genes. For all you know any of us kids could be! What are you going to do about that then? Are you going to disown us?"

"Now, Mi-Na, this is very uncalled for," Dad said, "You guys are my kids and I will always love you no matter what."

"No, dad, your attitude is uncalled for. What makes a difference between whether the twins and I are wolves versus the others? It shouldn't matter if it is because we are kids. Mom is Quileute, I am half Quileute, the twins are half Quileute and from what mom has told me, we count each other as family! Now I understand why you don't because your family was never like that but we are. So for once, act like you care about her family, be an actual person and accept mom's family."

I turned on my heels and went in, leaving him outside in the chilly air. I rejoined mom and her family as they were talking.

"Sorry about that," I apologized.

"You are fine," grandpa said, "Actually, I wanted to speak with you. Tonight the tribe council and I are holding a bonfire down at first beach to tell the Legends and I wanted you to come."

I looked at mom, she immediately nodded.

"You should experience it. It's a whole different feeling."

I looked back at Grandpa, "I will be there."

"Excellent, I will have someone come by and pick you up about 7."

I nodded, I soon heard a howl and Quil immediately stiffened up.

"I have to go. It was nice meeting all of you," Quil said before leaving the house in a rush. Grandpa looked at me.

"Remember to dress warm," He said, I nodded. We left all big conversations right there as we continued to eat. It wasn't long before we finished and grandpa had to go.

"I enjoyed seeing my grandkids for the first time. I love you three."

"Love you too, grandpa," I said giving him a hug. Cauā and Jaci sent their love as well before he left.

"You may want to go get ready for the bonfire," Mom said, I nodded and went to my room.

Mirrors-Jared Cameron ✔️ (complete)Where stories live. Discover now