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Emily took me up to my room to help me choose an outfit for my date with Jared.

"He said wear what ever is comfortable so I am assuming it's going to be casual," I said as Emily searched my closet. She held up a blue and red jersey with the number 6 on it before tossing it to the side. She did that 4 more times before groaning.

"Oh! Wait," She said as she came to a realization, "I have something!"

She rushed off to her room for a couple minutes before coming back with a light pink spaghetti strap top that looked sheer.

"You can pair it with a light washed skinny jean," She said pulling out my jeans, "And this necklace and these shoes."

She chose a necklace that was a 3 piece necklace. A choker, a classic necklace and a dangle necklace. For the shoes, she chose a pair of black and white converse.

While smiling, I said, "I love it, Em! It's such a cute outfit!"

"Thank you," She said, "I hardly ever get to wear anything like this since Sam became Alpha."

"When was the last time you both had a date night?"

"About half a year. We are just too busy with the pack."

I frowned, "Tomorrow night. I want you both to just back away from your roles and go out. I can take over the cooking and I can ask Jake to take over Alpha for the night."

She looked at me, "You would do that for me?"

I nodded, "Of course! Everyone deserves a night to themselves!"

She hugged me, "Now, enough about Sam and I, you have a date to get ready for!"

I laughed at her excitement before going into the bathroom to get a shower. Once everything was washed and rinsed, I got out and dried off, I got dressed and started to work on my hair. There wasn't much I could do with shoulder length hair so I just scrunched it. I put on some make up and left.

"You look so cute," She said excitedly. I smiled and hugged her.

"Thanks," I said.

"Mi-Na! Jared is here," I heard Seth say. I grabbed my cross body purse and followed Emily out. We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"You look nice," Sam said leaning against the counter.

"Thank you, Sam," I said, he nodded bringing me into a hug, kissing my forehead.

"Make sure you have her back before 10," Sam said to Jared. I rolled my eyes, giggling.

"Yes, dad," Jared said with a roll of his eyes, "Ready to go?"

I nodded, I grabbed his hand and we left.

"Do you know how beautiful you look," He asked. I blushed.

"Thank you," I said, "You look handsome."

He had on a tight muscle shirt that hugged him in all the right places, giving me a great view and jeans. Black jeans.

He smiled, "I don't know how."

I laughed, he opened my door for me and helped me in before walked over to his side to get in. I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him toward me, giving him a kiss.

"You are awfully happy," He said, "And I am loving it."

"I have no reason to be sad around you," I said, "You make me happy."

He grabbed my hand while he drove us to where ever he decided. I decided not to ask since I didn't want to ruin it. I wanted to leave it all up to him.

"You're not asking," Jared observed.

"Correct," I said, "I don't want to bug you about it."

He brought my hand up to his lip and kissed it.

"So what are the plans," I asked.

"Dinner, thought maybe a walk around the city and maybe a movie," He said, "Which speaking of, what movie do you want to see?"

"How about No Strings attached?"

(A/N: pretend that movie came out in 2009)

He nodded, we soon arrived in what I recognized as Port Angeles. I watched as the city and the people in it pass by as we drove.

"What are you thinking about," Jared asked bringing me back to reality.

"Nothing," I said, "Just watching the view. I hope you know that I trust you with my life."

"I trust you with mine," He said, "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

I smiled, "I can't either."

He pulled up to a little diner. The outside looked like an old diner from the 50s. You know, the ones with the Red and White oning and the red leather booths?

"This is amazing," I gasped as Jared helped me out of the truck.

"Your mom may have told me that you find things that resemble a different decade a bit interesting."

"You actually listened to her," I asked. He nodded.

"Of course, I want to make you happy."

I hugged him before we decided to go in. We found a booth and a woman came over on skates and in a poodle skirt.

"Welcome to Retro Cafe, my name is Sherry and I will be your waitress for tonight," She said with a smile on her face as she handed out a couple menus, "Now, what can I get you two to drink?"

I looked ar the back of the menu, "I will have the Coke Cola."

"Make that two," Jared said. Sherry nodded.

"Those will be right out," She said before skating away.

"This is absolutely perfect," I said, "Thank you, baby."

I reached across the table and grabbed his hand. He smiled.

"You have nothing to thank me for," He said with love and admiration in his eyes, "I just want you to be happy."

Sherry came back and set our drinks down, "Are you ready to order or would you guys like another couple minutes?"

"I'm ready," I said, "I will take the classic cheeseburger with fries."

"And I will have the same thing except leave the pickles and onions off," Jared said, Sherry nodded again before letting us know she will get that as soon as possible before skating away.

"So, I don't think we really got to know each other," I said rubbing his knuckles, "I think we need to."

He nodded, taking a drink of his soda, "I agree. Do you want to go first?"

"Um, sure! Now, where should I start? Well for starters..."

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