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It was only noon by time we had unpacked everything and we were currently on our way over to Sam's house where everyone was. I grabbed a pair of Jared's basketball shorts and slipped them on, along with a tank top before following him out of our room.

"Hey, mom, we will be back later. We are going over to Sam's."

She nodded, "Be careful," She said giving us both a kiss on the cheek. We left and got in Paul's truck to take it back to him since he was at Sam's. Jared drove down the pot hole filled road until we reached the Young-Uley household and found the guys all outside wrestling like a bunch of children.

Sam and Emily are really like the parents of the pack.

We got out and I slammed the truck door.

"Don't slam my doors," Paul said. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh stop being a big baby," I said.

"I'm gonna be a big baby when it comes to my baby," He said, "Anyways, why the hell do you have my truck?"

"You left it at my parents house," Jared said.

"You say that like you don't live there anymore," Jake said.

"He doesn't," I said, "He lives with me now. And there is another thing that we need to tell you but I think I am going to make you guys wait another couple hours until after dinner."

They all groaned, "Dude, you know if Jared or you phase at all, we will find out with in a matter of seconds," Embry said.

"That's why I am not phasing anytime soon," I said.

"Nor am I," Jared said. They all groaned again. I smirked and chuckled at their baby-ish complaints.

"I am going to get something to eat," I said giving Jared a kiss. I walked in and found Emily making muffins which made my stomach growl. She smirked.


"Like you have to ask," I commented back and took the muffin she offered. I sat down and took a bite, sighing in happiness.

"So what were you torturing the boys with," She asked.

"Oh, a secret," I said, "But I guess I can tell you in case they decide to phase and pester him."

I got up and walked over, whispering in her ear that I was pregnant.

She squealed and hugged me, "Oh, that's amazing! Congrats! Oh, I can't wait to see their reactions!"

I laughed, the front door opened and Jared walked in, "You told her didn't you? I can tell by the look on her face."

"She did," Emily said for me, "And I want to say congratulations to you both."

She hugged us both and gave us both kisses on the cheeks.

"You both will be great at it."

I teared up a bit, "Thanks, Em."

She nodded, "Now, lunch will be done shortly so can you two get your brothers and sister?"

We nodded and walked outside, gathering up the rowdy boys who were currently in their wolf forms.

"Emily said food will be done shortly, get your butts inside."

Jared and I walked back in and sat down, moving around a bit as we settled down.

"So, Sam wants to finish up that house tomorrow," Emily said, "I think the only things left is the kitchen counters need to be put in and the porch needs fixing."

I nodded, "What time are we needing to be there?"

"Well you will be helping me with the gardening still since there is still so much to do," She said, "But I think we are heading there around ten am."

I nodded, "Not a problem!"

Everyone came in and sat down.

"Mi-Na," Seth said with a begging tone, "Can you please tell us now?"

I looked at Jared, he shrugged.

"It's up to you, babe," He said. I sighed, he gripped my hand.

"Jared and I are having twins. I found out this morning."

There was a silence for a moment before all the guys started to whoop and holler.

"Congratulations," Sam said with a smile on his face, he looked Younger than usual with that smile.

"Thank you," I said, "It means a lot knowing we have your support."

"Of course you both have our support. We are family after all and family supports each other."

I hugged them all, feeling genuinely happy that I had them as a family.

Mirrors-Jared Cameron ✔️ (complete)Where stories live. Discover now