I yawned as I opened my eyes, it was morning but it looked like the sun had just started to rise based off the morning glow that flooded my room. I looked over at the clock and let out a groan once I realized it was only 5:32 am.

Why am I awake already?

I rolled out of my bed and found some clothes. It was a simple tank top and jean shorts. I could already hear the others coming up the lawn to the house. My phone started to ring and I immediately picked it up, it was mom.

"Hello," I asked.

"Mi-Na," Mom's voice was rushed, "Something happened. Your dad was in a car accident on the way to Forks. He is in the hospital in critical condition."

I felt my eyes burn, "I will be there in ten."

I hung up and ran out of my room and down the stairs, immediately running into Sam.

"Woah, Mi, everything okay?"

"No," I cried, "My dad was in a car accident. He is in critical condition."

"Jared, go with Mi-Na to the hospital," Sam said, Jared nodded and we both headed out. Sam had given me his keys since I didn't have a car yet. I gave them over to Jared since he seemed to be the only stable one of us two.

Even though my dad has been drunk for the past week, he was still my dad.

"Hey," Jared pulled me out of my thoughts by setting a hand on my knee, "Are you okay?"

I sighed, letting out a shaky breath, "Yeah," I said, "I'm just scared."

He sighed, pulling me close to him as he wrapped his arm around me. I felt the sting of the tears that had pooled at my waterline.

"I don't want anything to happen to him," I said sniffling.

"I know, babe," He said giving my head a kiss before we pulled up to the hospital. We got out and he held my hand the whole way in, the nerves becoming very obvious as we made our way to the elevators to get to the ICU.

"Hello," I said, "I'm here to see Chayton Lewis. I'm his daughter and this is his son in law."

That like actually felt natural, way too natural for my liking since we are not even together.

"He is in surgery again. He had internal bleeding due to a ruptured spleen but he is supposed to be in room 203."

I threw a quick thank you at her over my shoulder as I pulled Jared down the hall to Dad's room. I heard faint sniffling causing me to look inside. Mom was sitting inside with the twins on either side of her.

"Mom," I said faintly. She looked up and gasped.

"You're here," She said.

"Well, yeah. I said I would be here in ten."

"But I know seeing him is difficult for you. Especially that little argument you both had."

I smiled faintly, "That's in the past. Mom, I want you to meet someone important in my life," I said before I looked up at Jared, "Mom, this is Jared Cameron, my imprint. Jared, this is my mom, Nina."

Mom nodded, "Nice to meet you!"

Jared smiled, "You too, Mrs. Lewis."

Mom scoffed, "Please, call me Nina. Kids," She nudged the twins, "Wake up and meet someone."

Cauā and Jaci both woke up at the same time, Jaci taking a second to rub her eyes while Cauā looked at us.

"Whose this," He asked with confusion in his voice.

"This is my imprint, Jared Cameron," I said, "Jared, this is my brother, Cauā, and my sister, Jaci."

"Nice to meet you both," Jared said, "I am sorry for everything that is going on."

They both smiled, "Thank you," Jaci said.

"So, Mi-Na, since we haven't exactly seen you in a few days, how has everything been," Mon asked.

"Great," I said, "I officially phased three days ago. Don't ask me what caused it because I will not say. I have some wonderful pack brothers and one pack sister."

"What does your wolf look like," Cauā asked.

"I will show you when we get out of here," I said, "Speaking of which, does anyone know what caused dad's crash?"

"I think I do," Mom said, "As you three know, your father has been drinking rather heavily, and the reason behind that will be explained later. But, anyway, he had left at some point this morning and was found wrapped around a tree. They smelled alcohol on his breathe."

"This is why I don't drink," I said, "Why would he do that? Wasn't he thinking?"

"Sweetie," Mom said grabbing my hands, "Your father and I were speaking before he started to drink. He wants a divorce."

I gasped, "Is it because of what our family is able to do?"

She nodded, "That's exactly why. He can't handle that we are able to phase."

I frowned before allowing myself to sink into Jared's side a bit.

"I always knew he was selfish," I said, "Ever since he saw Old Quil phase."

I felt Jared run his hand up and down my arm to relax me.

"I know, sweetie, and I made the mistake of letting him take us away from what we had and I am so sorry for letting that happen."

"It's not your fault, mom," Jaci said, "Dad just can't handle us. He is the weak one in this situation."

Cauā, Jaci and I hugged her before I decided to leave.

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