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I opened my eyes as I heard Jared let out a particularly loud snore as he rolled over. I smiled and grabbed my phone off the side table to take a photo. I set it as my lock screen and set it back on the side table before slipping out of bed. I walked into the kitchen where I found my siblings and Seth sitting at the table.

"Morning," I said as I sat down. I pulled at my fitted pajama shirt as it made me feel suffocated.

"Morning, how did you sleep," Jaci asked before taking a bite of her food.

"Good," I smiled, "Better since he was in bed with me."

Cauā looked confused, "What happened?"

"Mi-Na woke up this morning when Jared had to do patrol. I found her in the living room."

He nodded, "Well I hope you are feeling better this morning."

"I am."

I soon heard Jared getting out of bed and quickly became excited. I couldn't help it. He makes me happy.

"Morning, my beautiful imprint and her family and Seth," Jared said before kissing me. He sat down beside me and Mom slid him a plate as she slid me one. I quickly took a bite and sighed happily.

"Thanks, mom."

"No need to thank me," She said, "How are the babies?"

"Kicking a bunch."

Mom smiled, "That's to be expected. You are nearly looking to be four months if you were a normal human being, that is. Right about now you should be expecting kicks and such."

I sighed, "I can't wait," I admitted, "Today we get to find out what the babies are."

I was gripping Jared's hand at this point out of excitement.

"When is your appointment?"

"Um, in about two hours," I responded as I looked at the clock, "Then once we find out, I think we are going to go get some baby things."

"Mi-Na," Cauā said, "I don't mean to be negative but where are you guys going to put the baby things? There isn't much room left here."

"Oh, well, about that. Sam and Emily have offered to give us their old house."

"Are you guys wanting to take it? I don't mind and it's common to be out on your own by the age of 16 in the tribe, especially when you are in the pack."

I nodded, "I think we are. We need the room for the babies so we need this."

She nodded, "Well we are here to help you if you need it."

"Thanks, momma," I said, I finished eating before going to get dressed. I chose a pair of athletic shorts and a tank top. I slipped on a pair of flip flops and tied my hair up into a bun.

"You look good," Jared said from behind me as he entered the bedroom. I snorted.

"Thanks but I feel fat today plus very tired since your kids wouldn't let me sleep."

"So they are my kids when they are being mean," Jared commented, I nodded.


I watched as Jared got ready, I felt my hormones rage slightly as he stripped down to his boxers.

"You okay over there," Jared asked, his smirk was very well heard in his voice. I blushed and cleared my throat.

"Ugh, yeah," I said, "I just need fresh air."

I quickly left the bedroom and ran through the house to the front door. I walked out and let out a breathe.

I sat down on the bench and ran a hand over my face as I let out a puff of air.

"Ready, gorgeous," Jared asked as he came out. I nodded and stood up, he grabbed my hand and walked me over to the car since my mom is allowing us to use it. He opened the passenger door and I smiled before getting in. He walked around to the other side and got in.

I grabbed his face and kissed him real quick, "I love you."

"I love you too, sweet girl."

I kissed him again, not wanting to let go.

"Are you okay? You are very touchy today," he said.

"Yeah," I said, "I am just craving your touch today."

He nodded, "Well you can touch me all you want."

We pulled away from the house and he drove towards the Cullen household where I would be having my ultrasound and sonogram. It wasn't a long drive as we soon pulled up to the Cullen household. We both got out and walked up to the front, Emmett had already opened the door and had a mischievous grin on his face.

"Hi, Emmett," I said with a timid tone, "Why are you grinning like that?"

"He is thinking about playing with your boyfriend like he is a chew toy."

I glared at the massive vampire as Carlisle came down. I grabbed Jared's hand and pulled him with me over to Carlisle.

"Good morning," I said, "How are you?"

"I'm good, thank you. You?"

"I'm good even though I may kill Emmett."

Carlisle chuckled, "Emmett, leave the poor couple alone."

I heard him groan and disappear some where before we decided to go up to the home exam room. As we entered the room, I noticed the machines were already set up along with the bed.  I got up on the bed and laid back, Carlisle done the usual vital checking before moving onto the machines. I pulled my shirt up so I could reveal my bulging stomach to him and he immediately squeezed some gel on my lower stomach. He grabbed the transducer probe and moved it around my stomach until an image popped up.

The babies were moving around a bit, baby A was fisting their hands up and curling their toes. Baby B was sucking their thumb.

"Okay, I can definitely determine what gender your babies are right now if you both want to know," He said, I looked at Jared and we both nodded, "Well, parents, congratulations, you are having twl baby boys."

I smiled, "Thank you so much, Carlisle!"

He smiled, "You are very welcome. Now, let me just go print them off and you two can be on your way."

He left the room and I wiped the gel off before sitting up, Jared stood between my legs and I hugged him.

"We are having two boys," I said, he nodded.

"They are going to be such mommy's boys," He said, "I already call it."

I giggled, Carlisle came back in and handed me the photos and we left.

Mirrors-Jared Cameron ✔️ (complete)Where stories live. Discover now