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A/N: To say the least, I AM SURPRISED! 433 READS? I had no idea that this book would actually do really well! Thank you everyone for reading it!!

I sighed, rubbing my forehead as Jared pulls me into a hug.

"Please, talk to me," He said after we stood in Sam's yard for fifteen minutes. I looked up at him, there was concern, worry, but also love in his eyes.

"I don't know what to think anymore," I said sniffling, "It's all going by way too fast for my liking. Like just a week ago mom and dad were all lovey with each other than ends up being a complete 180 with in that week! Now I'm a shifter. I have an imprint who I'm working on developing a relationship with. I have two loving cousin's that I've never met before. It just feel like it' getting to be a bit much."

Jared lifted my head up by my chin, "Mi-Na, I want you to remember that no matter what, you will always have me to help you out. I want to be here every step of the way if you let me."

I smiled and hugged him by wrapping my arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me.

"You know, you are the sweetest when you want to show it," I said, he smiled and kissed my head.

I think I have been lying to myself. I trust him. I think I just wanted him to make an effort and so far he has in the two days we have agreed on trying to make a relationship.

I peered up at him and he was looking down at me. I felt this urge of wanting to kiss him that I gave into. I cupped his face in my hands and made the move of capturing his lips. He was immediately relaxed as we moved our lips in sync. We pulled back, laying our foreheads together. I let out a light giggle, something that has never came out of me. I blushed at the unusual noise and he let out a chuckle.

"I had no idea that was able to come out of you but that was adorable," He commented, I blushed an even deeper pink. I hid my face in his chest.

"Stop," I whined playfully, "It's not nice to point things out."

"Oh, baby, I am going to point things out that I like about you," He said moving my head to get me to look up at him. He gave me a kiss before pulling me inside. I heard my pack brothers talking and laughing. I joined them.

"Hey, how's uncle Chayton," Quil asked.

"He was in surgery when I went to go see him," I said, "I found out that my dad was drinking when he crashed. He wants a divorce from my mom, just because he doesn't like what we can do."

This left everyone speechless.

"Mi," Jake said, "I am so sorry."

I shrugged, "It was inevitable. But I think I am going to see Grandpa. Is he home, Quil?"

"He may be over at Billy's," He said, I nodded before turning to Jared.

"I will be back later," I said giving him a kiss.

He nodded, "Be safe."

I nodded and started to leave when I felt my butt get smacked causing me to jump.

"Jared Lee," I hissed giving him a playful glare. He smirked and winked at me, sending my cousins in to disgust. I chuckled at their reactions before leaving.

He was being very cheeky this morning and I am loving it. It made me want to jump him and take him right there even though everyone else was standing there.

I came to the Black's house and walked up the drive way. Sure enough, there was Billy and Old Quil talking.

"Mi-Na," Grandpa said, "What a nice surprise! What are you doing here?"

"Just needed to see you," I said sitting next to him in the empty deck chair, "Dad is in the hospital. He was drinking and got in an accident. I found out he wants a divorce from Mom."

I looked at Billy.

"Sorry for interrupting," I said sheepishly.

"Sweetie, don't apologize. I appreciate you letting us know. But do you know why he wants that?"

"Because of what the tribe has been able to do," I said, "I don't know how to feel about everything."

"What has your imprint say," Old Quil asked.

"He wants me to remember that I have him to help me and that he is here with me every step of the way."

I ran my fingers through my short hair, sighing.

"Then lean on him when you need to. You both are each other's rocks."

I nodded, "Thanks, you two. I really did need advice."

"Anytime," Billy said, I kissed them both on the cheek before leaving. I walked back to Sam and Emily's house where I found two of the guys wrestling in their wolf forms. I rolled my eyes, looking at the colors. It was a russett-brown colored one telling me it was Jake and the other was obviously Paul. I sighed and walked over, using my strength to pull them off each other. Paul growled at me. I flicked him on the nose causing him to sneeze and whimper.

"Grow up you two," I scolded them before walking into the house. I sighed before sitting at the table.

"You okay," Emily asked sitting across from me.

"Yea," I smiled, "I am just tired."

She smiled, "Go take a nap. Lunch will be done soon and I will wake you up."

"I'm okay," I said, "I just need to stay away from stress for a minute."

The front door slammed, "And you will once we leave for our date," Jared said kissing my head. I smiled before bringing his lips to mine.

"You guys are too cute," Emily commented, I blushed and hid my face in his neck.

"We are just naturally good looking so of course we are too cute together," Jared said cockily. Emily laughed and I smiled.

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