A reminder of you

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This is a short story based off a really cute movie I watched recently. Ship: logicality... hope you enjoy
I will be doing any requests you guys might have so feel free to ask in the comments!

It was a Monday afternoon, the rain pouring down was pleasantly warm. Logan was reading at the train station, while simultaneously trying not to get wet. He had forgotten his umbrella at home and regretted that immensely. He was so enthralled in his book that he did not see a man approach him. "Hi! My name is Patton! What's yours?" Said the cheery man. Logan looked up from his book to see who was talking, his breathing hitched. Patton was gorgeous, he had silky auburn hair, hazelnut eyes with the slightest hint of blue, he had a kind and caring face, he also had chiseled cheekbones. "G-greetings, m-my name is L-logan, p-pleased to m-meet you." the flustered Logan said finally managing to form a sentence. "Do you wanna talk until your train arrives?" Patton asked. "Sure," Logan replied, still a bit flustered. Logan and Patton found a bench to sit on and before you know it they were talking about all sorts of stuff. Logan had set down his book on the bench as to completely concentrate on what Patton was saying. A small blush never leaving his cheeks, he soon completely forgot about the book still lying on the bench. What only seemed like minutes later Logan's train arrived. He jumped up, quickly said goodbye and sprinted to get on in time. The train had already departed when he realized he had left his book at the station on the bench. Patton, noticing that Logan had left his book, picked it up and hugged it close for he had, in only the short time talking to each other had developed feelings for Logan. He took the book home in hope that one day seeing Logan again. For the entire train ride, Logan could not get the image of Patton out of his mind. He was completely distracted and had almost missed his stop. He later realized that he had a crush on Patton. His heart broke when he remembered that he never got Patton's phone number and would probably never see him again.

Sorry, this is so short. I will try and upload every other day but don't hold me to anything. You can hold me to posting on weekends though, either Saturday or Sunday. I might be able to post once or twice during the week. When school ends I will post more frequently.

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