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WARNING: Some strong language, and violence

Virgil's POV

Hi, my name is Virgil Sanders and I live with my boyfriend Roman King. Welcome to the story of how I was kidnapped by a secret military organization.

Roman works as a PI for our towns police department, and I work as a transmissions decoder for the US government, both high paying jobs allowing us to live in a penthouse. Since most of my equipment is at the apartment I get to work from home most of the time, which is beneficial because Roman forgets his keys ALOT so I get to let him in late at night once his shift ends.

Nothing out of the ordinary there.

I open the door but instead of seeing my ray of sunshine, I see three men dressed in all black with shaded glasses and dark hair gelled to the left. One taller than the other two. I ask them what they wanted and they told me to come with them. I refused at first but then when I saw them for guns in their coat pockets I was quick to agree, on one condition. I was able to leave a note for Roman, he was pretty adept at decoding messages being a PI in all, so I wrote:

"9 8 1 22 5 2 5 5 14 11 9 4 14 1 16 16 5 4 6 15 12 12 15 23 13 25 16 8 15 14 5' 19 12 15 3 1 20 9 15 14 "

(The numbers correspond with the letters of the alphabet like A=1 etc.)

Oddly enough they don't take my phone, which means I now have a plan on how Roman could be able to find me. I followed the men to a black Tahoe and when they reached the car the men stopped. "Get in the car." the tallest said coldly. The shortest of the three men had his gun pressed against my back, just in case, I tried to run away. I got in the car and was pushed down into the seat closest to the window, I thought I might be able to look out the window on the drive to wherever they were taking me. The intention of staring out the window was soon ripped to shreds as one of the men put a black sack over my head.  I wanted to scream out of fright and out of hope someone might hear me but it was no use they had put a cloth in my mouth preventing me from screaming. I accepted my fate and settled down a bit. the engine turned over and we started moving.

I lost track of time about an hour into the drive...but it felt like hours. The car stopped and they manhandled me out of the car. They kept the sack over my head but I could tell I was at a warehouse with a helipad. I could hear machines and the routers of the helicopter that was landing. I heard industrial sliding doors open and then close behind us. I could hear men talking and computer keys tapping. Then as we kept walking those noises faded into silence, I could only hear the footsteps of the four of us along with the rapid, shallow breaths of me having a small panic attack. We enter a room and they take the sack off my head and I gasp at the sudden rush of fresh air.

*back at the apartment*

Romans POV

I had a long day at work and I could only hope that Virgil was still awake,... heh...I lost my apartment key again... I reach our front door and as I was about to knock but I see that the lock had been broken. A wave of panic set in as I burst through the door only to see that nothing looked out of place. I didn't let my guard down though. I searched for Virgil but I didn't find him, I did find a note that is just numbers.

"9 8 1 22 5 2 5 5 14 11 9 4 14 1 16 16 5 4 6 15 12 12 15 23 13 25 16 8 15 14 5 '19 12 15 3 1 20 9 15 14 "

It was in Virgil's handwriting, I notice that the numbers match up to letters of the alphabet, so I started going down the line... get all the A's translated and so on. once I finish translating the message says, "I have been kidnapped follow my phone's location" another wave of panic washes over me as I frantically take my phone out of my pocket. I open Snapchat and go to the map, "hopefully they didn't take his phone though the chance is slim" I thought to myself. I see that Virgil's icon was about 2 hours from the apartment. I grab my car key and dash back out the door. I start the car and head in the direction of where Virgil was praying that it was accurate. I was slowly losing hope.

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