There is no place for the corrupt here

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Hey, everyone, this is going to be my second one shot, this is my own original idea for a ship for the sides. I am open for requests and prompts, please no smut. Anyway, thank you all for being so supportive and just amazing. I also referenced a few of my favorite movies/shows, can you guess what they are?

Virgil X Roman


Sheriff Roman had been chasing Virgil for years and he finally caught up with him. They are in the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona. The date is October 26, 1881. Roman aimed his gun (a colt peacemaker) and shot, hitting the gun out of Virgil's hand. Now defenseless Virgil sank down to his knees and put his hands behind his head, he had enough of running away, he couldn't do it anymore. He knew all hope was lost and that he was going to die at the hands of his secret crush. Over the years Virgil had developed feelings for Roman, but little did he know that Roman felt the same way.

Virgil feels a tear fall down his cheek as Romans gun lifts, pointing at Virgil's head. Roman cocks the gun, Virgil crying at this point. "Just *sob* shoot already *more sobs* No one is going to *sob* miss me anyway!" Virgil screamed in between his sobs trying to speed this torture along. "oh, but that is where you are wrong, someone will miss you. Now, Run, Virgil, Run." Roman said choking back his own tears.

Virgil looks up just in time to see a crying Roman get shot in the shoulder. It was Romans corrupt deputy Deceit, Deceit was always jealous of Romans success and for once he wanted to be in the spotlight. "ROMAN!!" Virgil screams and runs over to him dropping to his knees beside Roman. "NO! I can't lose you alright you are going to be fine!" he says sobbing. " Well, Well, Well, look at what we have here. It appears the outlaw has fallen in love with the sheriff." *laughs evilly* Deceit says smugly. "Why did you shoot him?!?!" Virgil says to an approaching Deceit. "Because he is always the one getting the praise for things while I never get any recognition. I wanted to be noticed and this was the only way. Now, I will go down in history as the man who killed Virgil Sanders, the outlaw." he said now only a few feet away from them, Virgil still kneeling by Romans side.

Deceit points his rifle at Virgil but something hits it causing him to miss the shot. Virgil looks down to see a half-conscious Roman still pointing his gun at the spot where the rifle was. "Virgil?" Roman says weakly. "Shh- shh, Save your strength," Virgil says smiling and crying at the same time. "Virgil I need to tell you something... I... love you," he said then fell unconscious. Virgil panicked and searched for his pulse, he relaxed once he found it.

Virgil planted a small kiss on Romans forehead and picked up Romans gun which had only one bullet left. "I guess it's just you and me now, Deceit. Only one of us is leaving here alive, Guess who it's gonna be." Virgil said standing up wiping the tears off his face and cracking his neck. He felt the outline of the pistol he had on his back braced with the belt from his pants. He smirked, and he started walking slowly toward Deceit. Deceit started backing away, seeing the determined look on Virgil's face. He knew that Virgil was going to be the one to walk away alive. Deceit turned to leave in hopes of getting out of town unharmed when he heard the loud crack of gunfire and felt a searing pain in his upper leg. He cried out in pain and collapsed on the dusty ground in front of him. He looked back at Virgil but he could only see the death stare emanating from Virgil's rich hazelnut eyes. "Go. Leave this town and never return, and next time I catch you here I won't be so merciful." Virgil said with vengeance in his voice. Deceit got up and limped away out of the town, forever.

Virgil turned back to Roman who was still lying on the ground semi-unconscious. He walked over after calming down. He kneeled beside Romans shoulder, he flipped roman onto his back where the bullet was(it didn't go all the way through) and proceeded to remove the bullet. He then ripped off a section of his cotton shirt and put it on the open wound, having it act like gauze. "Roman, I... Love you too," he said under his breath, and a small smile appeared on Romans face. Virgil looked at Roman confused and embarrassed, hoping that he didn't hear what he just said. "Heh, You love me?" Virgil blushed at the name turning bright red, as Roman fluttered his light golden brown eyes open. Virgil nodded lightly. Roman reached up and caressed his cheek. Virgil was now a blushing mess, he hid his face in his hand and laughed. "How much of that did you hear?" Virgil said through his hands. "All of it, even the part right after I was shot and you ran over to me screaming 'I can't lose you!'" Roman said weakly but loud enough for Virgil to hear clearly.

Roman leans up and plants a tender kiss on Virgil's cheek before falling unconscious again. Virgil was less worried this time and calmly searched for Romans pulse which he soon found. Virgil lifted Roman up and carried him to the Doctors office. Roman woke up along the way and gave a small shriek at being in the strong arms of his love. Virgil only looked down at his blushing Roman and smiles sweetly. Once they got to the Docs office, Virgil got roman treated without incident. (the Doc was a dear friend of Romans and Roman explained the whole story to him, the Doctors name was Logan) After Roman was stitched up and in a sling, Logan arranged for them to leave town together.

Now that Deceit was gone Roman put his most trusted Deputy in charge: Patton. Patton was also Logan's secret boyfriend. Patton and Logan agreed to tell everyone that Deceit had killed both Roman and Virgil and then himself out of mass regret from actions. No one questioned their statement and Virgil and Roman lived together in the peacefull town called Mindscape. Patton and Logan came to visit them on holidays and their birthdays, and they were all happy to have each other in their lives

Hey everyone! Comment the references you got and I will tell you what they are. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.

Again I am open for any requests or prompts you guys might have.

I might not be able to post next week cause I have finals but I will try my best.

Thank you so much for all of your support! Love y'all! Bye!

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