The inside cover (pt. 2 of "A reminder of you")

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It had been a few weeks since Logan had forgotten his book and Patton could not stop thinking about him. He decided to look for anything to tell him how to find Logan, he got the book and opened the front cover. There, beautifully written in cursive, was the text "This book is the property of Logan Sanders" Patton read on... A little way down the page was an address, assuming it was Logan's Patton jumped up and got ready as quickly as he possibly could. He looked in the mirror to make sure he was decent enough, then headed out the door and got in his car and drove away. Shockingly Logan's address was only 20 minutes away, to Patton those twenty minutes felt like an eternity. The closer and closer he got to his destination the more nervous he felt. When he finally reached the address that was written in the book Patton stopped. The house was white and was 2 floors, it also had a black front door and black shudders. "It looked like somewhere Logan would live" Patton though to himself. With the book in his arms, he took a deep breath, opened the door of his car and stepped out. once he got to the white picket fence he started having second thoughts. He was about to find the man he loved, whom he has dreamed about meeting again for weeks. He pushed those doubts aside and pressed onward. Patton reached the front door, he hesitated for a moment. He almost backed out but decided that this was what he wanted to do... he knocked on the door. there was no response, "Welp, I guess no one is home!" he said as he quickly did an about-face and started walking away. Before he could get very far he heard the door start to open and a very familiar voice said: "Who is there?"

To be continued...

wow, I cannot believe I posted twice in one night... well I can believe it I usually don't go to sleep until like 4 am. I might even post again! Anyway sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger but you won't have to wait long to find out what happens next. thank you all for reading this. Love y'all. Bye!

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