Official First Date Part 5.3 (final part)

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Patton was finishing up getting ready when he heard the doorbell ring. "It couldn't possibly have been an hour already!" he thought to himself. When he opened the door he found one of Virgil's (his brother, Patton calls him kiddo though) close friends at the door. Patton believed that his name was...... Roman. "Hey, is Virgil around?" Roman asked. "Yeah he is in his room, go on up, call me if you need anything," Patton said cheerfully in return. "Thanks pops!" Roman didn't know Patton's real name, he only ever heard Virgil refer to him as dad and asked if it was okay if he calls Patton pops. If he was being completely Honest Patton was disappointed that it was not Logan so he looked over at the clock to check the time it read 6:01 pm. Less then a half hour and Pat had nothing to do. Those 29 minutes were the longest 29 minutes of his entire life. Roman left a while ago, leaving Virge in his room listening to music and Patton in his room pacing waiting for Logan to arrive.

When Logan finally arrived he was driving his white Dodge Challenger (flex much?). Patton had never been on a date before especially not with someone so handsome, his entire body was shaking out of nervousness. Logan thought to himself "I hope Roman got everything set up, I'm sure everything will be perfect." Virgil had told Patton just to be himself and to let all of his worries go and focus on having an amazing date with a handsome dude you really like. Patton kept repeating what Virgil told him in his head every so often saying it out loud. Once he got to the car he took a deep breath and opened the car door. When Logan was with Roman, he had told him to use a cheesy pick-up line, Logan was unsure about what to say but he came up with one that he liked. "Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?" Logan said with a smirk on his face. Patton had immediately picked up on this and said: "No because I had you to catch me." Logan got bright red and became flustered. "i-uh-heh anyway-will y-you put t-this on?" he said shakily handing a blindfold to Patton. Patton was confused at first but then Logan explained why and he put it on.

Logan started driving and within only a half hour of laughter and comfortable silence, they were there. Logan smiled when he saw that Roman had set up everything perfectly. Roman was just leaving when they arrived and logan mouthed "thank you" and Roman gave him a thumbs up. Logan told Patton that they were there but he still could not take off his blindfold. Logan turned off the car and opened his door. A few seconds later Patton heard his door opening, he felt a strong hand take hold of his and his cheeks turned a light pink. Logan decided to carry Patton bridal style(because the ground was uneven and he didn't want Patton to fall). When he lifted Patton (telling him in advanced) he heard a small squeak come from Patton and he blushed profusely and smiled lovingly at him. Logan discovered that either Patton was very light or that he was much stronger than he thought for he could lift him without effort. They arrived at the picnic site and Logan set Patton down, he took off his blindfold and Patton gasped. He was awestruck, he put his hands over his mouth and said "Oh Logan, this is amazing! I love it!" He continued to plant a kiss on Logan's cheek which caught him off guard. Patton was also caught off guard when Logan spun him around to face him and kissed him on the lips. Patton was startled at first but quickly returned the kiss, it seemed to have lasted forever. They only took a break when they had to breath.

The night continued filled with laughter, kisses and comfortable silence. The sun was close to setting now so Logan took Patton and a blanket down to the beach and watched the sunset. Without realizing it Patton had moved to lean on Logan, resting his head on his shoulder. Logan, instead of tensing up he relaxed and leaned his head on Pattons'. They watched the sunset in silence cuddling with each other, logan once in a while planted a soft kiss on Patton's forehead. once the sun set they leaned back to lay down to watch the stars appear slowly in the sky. They stayed like that for hours, snuggled into each other, but it was getting cold. Logan told Patton that it was time to go, but Patton didn't want to get up so he snuggled deeper into Logan. Logan chose to lift the stubborn Patton and carry him back to the car. He went back to the picnic blanket and wrapped up all of the stuff and put that into the trunk of the car.

Logan's house was closer to the hill so he took Patton to his house. (Patton is now asleep) Logan carried him to the door. He changed his hold on Patton so he was now braced against Logan's chest and was being held by one arm so Logan could unlock the front door. Logan didn't want to put Patton on the couch (it was very uncomfortable to sleep on) so he brought him into his room and laid him on his bed. Logan changed into his PJs and removed both of their glasses, then laid down next to Patton. It didn't take long for Patton to roll over and snuggle onto logans chest. Logan smiled and kissed his forehead, wrapping an arm around Patton. only a few minutes later Logan fell asleep. their official first date came to an end.

Hey everyone! sorry, this took so long to upload, anxiety and procrastination, any way you can start leaving prompts and suggestions for some one-shots ill be doing once I finished this short story. thanks for reading! love each and every one of you! hope you have a wonderful day/night! bye!

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