"Will you..." Part 6

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Hey, guys sorry I've been kinda absent lately school and then a cold, it been great fun. I am taking requests I can do anything within the sanders sides fandom, ill even do sidexreader. I'm interested in how that will turn out. This is the final Part of this short story then I shall do some one-shots, in this one, they have been dating for a while now. so here goes nothin'.

Logans POV:

Patton and I have been dating for a while now and I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He is the best thing that could ever possibly happen to me. I love him with every fragment of my being and then some. I have learned so much from him too like how to cook and I learned more about these emotions. He really is the best and he has never treated me poorly, to be completely honest I don't think he has a single bad bone in his body he is just so pure.

I decided to make "us" official. I go get Roman and bring him up to date on what I plan to do. "Aww, Logan that's amazing! I'm in! What do I have to do?" Roman said enthusiastically. "Do you remember our first date?" I asked. A puzzled Roman responded, "Yeah... why???" "Well I was thinking that we would recreate our first date, and just before the sun sets I would propose to Patton," I said thoughtfully.

*A/N: I didn't feel like writing the entire description again of their first date, but it was the exact same the only difference was a small square velvet box in logans' pocket*

"Thank you, Roman you are awesome," I said to myself quiet enough that Patton would hear me as I carried him in my arms. I took his blindfold off and looked at me slightly puzzled. "Logan? this looks exactly the same as our first date. What is going on?" Patton asked. "Well, I thought it would be nice to revisit some old memories," I replied. Patton nodded in agreement but had no idea what I was really planning. As the evening went on I became more and more nervous. Then the sun started setting and I knew it was the time.

"Patton?" I asked "Yes hun?" he responded. "Over the past few years, you have made my life so much better. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am so grateful to have you in my life." I went on, Patton standing there, slightly confused. He raised his free hand (the other hand in mine) and put it over his mouth as he realized what was going on. " oh my god" I heard him whisper. As I finished my mini-speech I lowered to one knee and pulled the velvet box out of my pocket. I let go of his hand which immediately to join the other hand over his mouth. I could see tears glistening in Patton's eyes as the sun hit them.

Then I asked the question.

"Will you... Patton Sanders..." I exhaled, "will you marry me?" Patton was silent and I began to worry, I guess he could see the worry in my eyes as he pulled me up and pulled me into a sweet kiss. After a minute we pulled away, "Of course I will!" he said now crying happy tears, I soon joined him.

Roman planned the wedding and was my best man, Virgil was Patton's best man and Thomas officiated the wedding. That was one of the happiest moments to come.

Thank you, everyone, who is reading my story, it means so much to me. well anyway see you soon again I am now doing one-shots for a while before I do another short story so you can leave prompts in the comments, my one rule is I will not write smut. I am not keen on writing angst cause I get emotional but I will write it. Love y'all! Bye!

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