A familiar face Part 3

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"Who's there?" the familiar voice asked. Patton spun on his heels and turned around to see Logan standing in the doorway wearing a unicorn onesie. Patton Couldn't help but smile. Logan was in shock to see that it was Patton, he could feel the heat rising to his cheeks. "Patton! Oh My God, I can't believe you are here! Why are you here?" he asked. "Well I have your book, I came to return it." said Patton nervously.  "oh," Logan said, his heart sinking, "I was kinda hoping you came here to see me If I'm being honest." Logan continued. Patton cut him off before he got a chance to say anything else..." you didn't let me finish, I came here to return the book and also to see you too because I lo- er- I mean- i -uh I forgot to get your number when we talked that day. I looked in the book cover and saw the address and assumed that it was your address so I came here." Patton said quickly instantly regretting not telling Logan how he felt. "I had also wanted to acquire your number Patton. Also Patton, ever since that day that I met you I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I don't understand feelings and emotions all that well but I think, if I'm interperting this the correct way, I believe that I "like like you'" Said an apprehensive and nervous Logan. "I understand if you don't return my feelings --" he was cut off by a pair of strong arms wrapping around him...

hey everyone... Third post in one night...I'm probably gonna end up getting some sleep soon, writing this so yeah I will probably upload up to part 6 or 7 if the story goes that far. if it doent then ill write a few oneshots then get into another short story. Sorry for another cliff hanger, at least you wont have to wait long... again... lol... Bye everyone! Love y'all!

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