Thank god, Part 4

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           Logan felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him as Patton pulled him in for a hug, "Oh Logan, you are wrong! absolutely wrong, I do return your feelings. I like you, Logan, I really do." Patton almost squealed gleefully. It took a second for Logan to realize what was going on *thinking* OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!! My crush likes me back!! Holy shiitake mushrooms! This incredibly handsome, amazing guy likes me back. Logan quickly returns the hug and pull Patton in even closer. "Thank god you said it first. I was about to but then I doubted myself so I didn't say it, I was so worried that you wouldn't like me back and that I would've ruined our friendship that we have. *sigh* I am so glad we met." Patton said after a few minutes of hugging.

          "I actually do need your number though," Logan said. Both of them burst into laughter, Logan gesturing for Patton to come inside in between laughs. Patton was in awe at how neat and organized everything was. His house is a mess (don't even get me started on his room). "Wow, Logan its so...precise, orderly, neat, and collect I here I love it. it's very modern-like," said Patton as he takes in every single detail around him.  He was snapped Back to reality when Logan asked if he wanted anything. He replied with a 'no thank you' and they sat in the living room just talking. Any nervousness that either of them had seemed to melt away as the continued talking to each other. they caught up, talked about their likes and dislikes, jobs, hopes, and dreams if they had any pets, they both already knew that they were both gay from the first time they met.

           "Hey Lo? Will you be my boyfriend?" a red-faced Patton said almost quiet enough so that Logan couldn't hear. A slight chuckle escaped Logan's mouth and a wide smile spread across his lips. Patton anxiously awaited his response, he was shocked to hear Logan laughing? Did he not want to be Patton's bf? Was he laughing at him, did he make a fool out of himself... let's just say Patton was a little surprised when Logan said 'yes' to being Patton's bf. A wide smile also spread onto Patton's lips as he gets up and moves next to Logan, pulling him into a short but passionate kiss. They stop only to breathe, leaning their foreheads up against one another. "I love you," said Patton. "I love you too" added Logan only seconds after Patton.

hey everyone how y'all doing? (I am not southern i just like saying y'all) it is now 1:51 am and I'm exhausted an i need sleep. I am gonna try so that all the updates for tonight hope that they are what you expected , sorry if they suck and, also sorry that the chapters are so short... welp anyway goodnight everyone, have wonderful dreams and don't be afraid to be you. Love y'all, Bye!

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