cookies and cake

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It was 4 am and Logan woke up to strange sounds coming from the kitchen.

Logan got up out his warm bad and shuffled his way to the kitchen to find the source of the noise.

Since he was still aleep it took him 6 minutes to get down the hallway. Once he finally did his eyes opened wide as the living was decorated with streamers and balloons.

He continued making his way to the kitchen a little more awake. The noise gradually getting louder, the closer he got, then it stopped.

Logan was more alert now thinking he was heard and that the possible intruder was looking for him.

When Logan rounded the corner into the kitchen ready for a fight he saw no other than Virgil.

"Virgil?" Logan said with a sigh of relief.

Virgil snapped around in surprise that Logan was up. "Logan! I didn't know you were up, sorry if I woke you." Virgil said soon after.

"Virgil what are you doing? Why is the living room decorated? What are you doing in the kitchen?" Logan questioned the emo boy huddling over the counter.

"Um... I'm making a cake and those are party decorations. I already made cookies." Virgil said softly.

"What are you celebrating?" Logan asked.

Virgil turned around to face logan and straightened up a bit, but kept his head low.
"I'm, Uh," Virgil stammered.

"Its okay take your time," Logan said giving him a small smile.

Virgil lifted his head, he looked like he hasn't slept in days. "I'm celebrating the death of my sleep schedule and sanity!" Virgil said with a smile on his face.

Patton must have dad telepathy because after Virgil said this Patton burst into the room and screamed: "VIRGIL NO!" This woke Roman up, now all the sides were up. They decided to stay up and have cake and enjoy the party. The celebration turned from the death of sanity to just a party at 4 in the morning.

They had cookies and Patton helped Virgil frost the cake, once it cooled. Though it was 4 am they all shared a bunch of laughs and had fun hanging together.

Later that night they all headed to bed early and Patton asked Virgil when he wasn't able to sleep to come to wake him up and Virgil could talk to him and that he would stay with Virgil until he fell asleep again. Virgil had the best sleep he had in a while that night.

Thought this was cute and probably something I would do so yeah. Here is another update! requests are open! I will see you later love you all!

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