Official First Date: Part 5.1

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After Patton and Logan had exchanged numbers they hung for a while and ended up watching their favorite Disney movies. Big Hero 6 and Inside Out. Around halfway through Inside out Patton felt his eyelids getting heavy, he leaned his head against Logan and closed his eyes. Logan was startled at first but he relaxed and leaned his own head on top of Patton. Just before he was about to fall asleep he heard a whisper in his ear, "I love you, Lo, so much." when he looked down his eyes met Patton's and he planted a sweet kiss on his forehead and they both fell asleep snuggling.

"le time skip to morning"

Patton was the first to wake up, a loving smile on his lips, seeing his sleeping boyfriend. Patton lifted Logan's head from off his shoulders as gently as he could as to not wake the Peaceful Logan. Patton quickly kissed his cheek and got up to make some breakfast for them. Patton had gone to culinary school so he knew how to make a 5-star breakfast. Logan awoke to the smell of fresh banana maple walnut pancakes and crispy bacon. "Mmm, Good morning," Logan said sleepily. "Oh hey! Good morning Lo!" Patton cheerily Replied back. It took Logan another few minutes to wake up, but when he did he looked hungrily at the food Patton had made. "Foooooooooooood" Logan grumbled, Patton giggled seeing his boyfriend so different from when they met, His hair is ruffled, he looks totally adorable, not neat and tidy at all. Patton's face lit up as the fact that Logan is now his boyfriend.

Patton let Logan eat before he started talking, "I had a really nice time last night, it was like an unofficial first date." "I had a really nice time too, I felt strangely at home snuggling with you, like we were supposed to be together. But since you say that last night was an unofficial first date, why don't we have an official first date?" Logan asked, full and still a little sleepy. "That sounds like a wonderful idea" Patton replied, the blush on Patton's cheeks grew darker. "Great. U go visit some friends and I will plan everything and we will go on our date at 6:30." Logan said coming up with a plan.

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