My First Ever One Shot

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Sorry, this took so long to publish, personal stuff has been going on. this is a requested one shot it is going to be Virgil X The reader. This is new for me so sorry if this is awful, its kinda texting style kinda not? I'm sick today so not feeling great. Anyway, you can leave more suggestions for one-shots in the comments.

Shout Out to Hannah for giving me this amazing prompt and first ever one-shot to write. sorry this took so long

Warning: Angst(i guess? for some yes), swearing

*T/R=you, the reader*


Time: 5:30 pm

T/R: I am going to the Book store to pick up the 7th  Harry Potter Book. I put on my hoodie and head out the door. I had this feeling that I was forgetting something but I couldn't remember what. I decided to walk since the Store isn't far from my apartment.

*le time skip (10 uneventful minutes later)

T/R: I just got to the store, there is only one other person in the store with me along with Dave, the cashier. I head straight to the aisle where the Harry Potter Books are. I search for about 2 minutes before I find the section of HPB. I find the one I need and head to the counter. Instead of seeing the usually sulking Dave I see a new kid there.

Cashier: "Hello my name is Virgil, how may I help you today?"

T/R: "Hi, I'm T/R and  yes, I would like to buy this book please."

Virgils POV:

I look up from what I was looking at and I see the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Their hair is silky and I'm guessing very smooth. we lock eyes for a moment and I am taken aback, if I looked long enough in their eyes I would forget about reality. I could so easily get lost in them. Uh-oh, I think I have developed feelings for T/R. I feel a warm blush settle on my cheeks. Thank god for white foundation, am I right? Apparently, I was staring cause next I see him wave a hand in front of my face that snapped me back to reality. Shit.

Back to T/R's POV:

T/R: "Sir?! Are you okay!?" I say staring at his vacant expression on his perfect face. I look at his eyes to check if his pupils have dilated, And OH MY GOD he has gorgeous eyes. they are a dark hazelnut with a touch of dark blue. I think I like Virgil, which isn't a bad thing. I snap myself out of it before I as well become entranced. at that point, both of our cheeks are bright red.

Virgil: "I-I am terribly sorry, I'll ring the book up now."

T/R: "Hey, hey. It's okay I understa-" I cut myself off as I frantically feel around my pocket for my Credit Card... Fuckity Fuck Fuck. I knew I forgot something. "Omg, this is embarrassing, I don't have my card with me." I start to panic.

Virgil: "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. It's totally fine. I don't normally do this but I can make an exception." He continued to add ten dollars to the draw and close the sale.

T/R: "Oh my gosh, how can I repay you. Oh I know," I scribbled my number on a piece of paper and hand it to him. "text me when your shift is over and we can have dinner at my place."

V: "yeah that sounds good."

T/R:  we talked for what feels like hours, but when I checked my phone it had only been 20 minutes. "Well, I'm gonna go ill see you tonight. Bye Virge ;)" I gave him a smirk and I walked out.

Virgils POV:

V: Holy shit, I feel the heat rise up on my cheeks and I feel myself become dazed as I stare at the path he took when he left the store. I am brought back to reality when I hear a man clear his throat. My cheeks are burning now and I attempt to keep my composure. "Hello, My name is Virgil how may I help you?" I say.

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