stood up

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warning: some swearing

Your POV:

Your boyfriend Remy asked you on a date to your favorite restaurant. This was the first time you had gone on a date in a while so you were excited. You got all dressed up, you made sure you look you best for Remy. You arrive at the restaurant first so you get the table closest to the window so you could look out at the passing cars, after a few minutes you order drinks. You knee bounces uncontrollably while waiting for Remy show up.

It has been twenty minutes and Remy still hasn't arrived, you start to get worried and a little embarrassed. You text him to ask if he is on his way, he doesn't reply so you call him which goes straight to voice mail. The waitress comes over to the table and asks if you were ready to order, you ask for more time and she walks away. You notice the people at the table across from you giving you sympathetic and sorry looks. Your face turns a crimson red out of the embarrassment.

It has now been an hour since you first arrived and still no sign of Remy, you are close to tears. You were so excited about this date. You and Remy had grown distant these past few months and you were hoping that this would help to reconnect and get closer. A minute later your phone pings and you see it is a text from Remy, you scramble to unlock your phone and open the message. It starts with "I'm sorry," and you knew what was coming through you hoped with everything you had that you were wrong. As you continue to read the text you feel tears run down your cheek as you come to the sentence that you would never hope to see. "Y/N, I don't think we can be together anymore, I'm breaking up with you. Goodbye." You burst into tears as the people in the restaurant look at you to see whats was going on.

You run out of the restaurant and back to your apartment that you shared. When you unlock the door you see that all of his things are gone. He just left without any clue to where he was going. You fall to your knees, cover your face in your hands and bawl your eyes out for god knows how long.

After about an hour of crying in your doorway, you feel a hand on your shoulder causing you to jump. You turn around to see it is your good friend Patton who also happens to be your neighbor. He gives you a sympathetic look and you lunge into his shoulder crying harder than before. He hugs you back slowly rubbing circles with his thumb on your back. "W-why *hic* would h-he d-do that t-to *hic* m-m-me?" you manage to say between sobs. "W-was *hic* it me? D-did I do s-somet-thing wrong?" you cry harder, grasping the back of his shirt. "Oh, Y/N, no it wasn't you, I'm sure of it. You are the kindest person I know anyone would be lucky to be with you. He is just an asshole who doesn't deserve you, you are too good for him." Patton said holding your shoulders out so you're facing him. "R-really? You m-mean *hic* that?" you ask calming down slightly. "Of course I mean that you are a wonderful person and an even better friend," Patton says with love and sympathy in his eyes. You hug him tighter than before and he hugs you back equally as tight. "Come over to my place, I'll make you some dinner and you can tell me all about what happened," Patton said helping you stand up. "Okay that sounds nice, thank you, Pat," you say softly and he gives you a small smile.

He makes you some pasta with garlic bread as you proceed to tell him about how he asked you on a date but he never showed up or answered his phone. That out of nowhere he texts you that he wants to break up and that he said goodbye. How when you got back to the apartment all of his stuff was gone. You start crying again remembering what had happened only an hour ago, and Patton rushes over to comfort you. "I don't want to go back there just yet, can I stay here for a few nights?" you ask for afraid to go back there just yet. "Of course, I'd be more than happy to let you stay here," Patton says pulling away from the hug.

The next day you call in at work telling that you wouldn't be able to go today and so did Patton so you could just hang and talk about stuff. You needed a day to let things sink in and Patton wanted to stay with you just in case you needed a shoulder to cry on. During the day you and Patton played games and had a fun time, at times you completely forgot about Remy, which offered a nice break from misery.

*time skip a few days*

You were ready to go back to your apartment for the first time in a few days, you had Patton come with you just for moral support. You unlock your door to see that Remy was standing in the middle of the floor, his eyes were puffy. Had he been crying? "Oh Y/N, I'm so glad you're back, I'm so sorry I want you back I love you," Remy said falling to his knees. Patton, you were uncomfortable and almost crying again so he pushed past you gently and began yelling at Remy. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM YOU STOOD HIM UP AND BROKE UP WITH HIM IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE!!!!! HOW COULD YOU BE SO CRUEL!!" Patton screamed, he was pissed. "I know I'm sorry I made a mistake, can we try again, Y/N?" Patton was about to yell at him again but you put a hand on his shoulder. "Remy, you broke my heart in a way that can never be repaired, you left me with no word of where you were going. So all that I have to say to you is that I will never get back with you and get out I don't want to see you here again," you said with a straight face. Remy got up and left the room, as soon he was out of sight you collapse sighing into your hands. "Thank you, Patton," you say and he hugs you. You both sit there in silence for a bit before you speak up, "Hey Pat? Can I live with you, I don't think I can bring myself to live here by myself."

"Of course you can Y/N, I would love it if you stayed with me," Patton said back. You hug again before going back to his apartment. The next morning you put up a for sale add online for the apartment. You eventually get over Remy and you have so many amazing memories with Patton, he is your best friend and you think to yourself, "I don't know what I would've done without you Patton thank you so much for saving me."

You never see Remy again, which you didn't mind one bit.

a double update?! I didn't think I would do this but here we are haha. thank you all so much for your support, I will see you next time. I love you all, bye!

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